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In our Q&A section we briefly cover this list of growing topics:
The introduction of the " w " sound used to pronounce the Hebrew letter ' vav ' is from Aramaic influence on Hebrew speaking communities. But it was historically pronounced as ' v '. Through ancient manuscripts and through research ( by people who don't make up Hebrew, but are experts in the language ) we find the truth about the pronunciation of the letter ' vav. '
See The Historical Pronunciation of Vav on for explanation.
This has been a journey for us personally, but we are now settled on "Yehovah." Through experts we know understand that there is a relationship between the kamatz and sheva in the Hebrew language that we can't ignore. Hebrew grammar tells us that when you have a long vowel in the accented syllable it becomes a short vowel in the non-accented syllable. The emphasis in His Name is on the final syllable.
See Why it's YEhovah, but HalleluYAh on for explanation.
We must look beyond Strong's Concordance to understand this. The meaning of YHVH as "he was, he (she) is, and he that will be", doesn't tell us how to pronounce the Name. Most agree that those are the meanings of the vowels. But there is no connection between the name Yehovah, and the word hovah, because they are from two unrelated Hebrew roots: HYH "to be" and HVH "destruction"."
See A Disastrous Misunderstanding of the Name Yehovah on
The Samaritans were transplanted into the land by the Assyrians. The god of their temple had no name. But during the persecution of Hanukkah they complained saying, they weren't Jews and didn't serve their same god. In order to pacify their oppressors, they named the god of their temple, Yahweh (which was a form of Jupiter / Zeus ). The gnostics believe that Yahweh is a demon who created the world.
See The Origins of Yahweh on video for explanation.
Over time translators changed "Ruach ha'Kodesh" (Hebrew and feminine) to "Nooma" (Greek and neither) to "Sanctus Spiritus" (Latin and masculine). In John 14:26 Ye'shua refers to the Ruach as a "she." He says, "But She -the Spirit – the Paraclete whom He-will-send to you- my Father – in my name – She will teach you every-thing...." (Translation courtesy of Danny Mahar, author of Aramaic Made EZ).
See more on this below for many links to check out to study on this.
This was never found in the Creator's instructions and S'haul's words must be taken in context. Head coverings were necessary during S'haul's time to distinguish between decent women and prostitutes. To wear a head covering nowadays associates you with either Muslim women who worship Allah, India women who worship a plethora of gods or Jewish women who keep the man-made rabbinical laws of Judaism.
See Should Women Teach by Founded in Truth
All the research we have done on the Ruach ha'Kodesh points to this part of Elohim being female in form. When I discovered this it changed my life as a woman! :-)
Elohim is called "family" (get our study here) There is a "father," a "son" and... another "man?" I had a vision regarding the Ruach ha'Kodesh many years before I became a Hebrew. In my study I was excited to discover the history surrounding the understanding of the "Spirit of God." Not only are most of all the Hebrew words used to describe the Ruach are feminine in form, but YHVH actually refers to the Ruach as feminine in the Tanak. What is most stunning is that in the original John 14:26 Ye'shua refers to the Ruach as a "she." He says,
"But She -the Spirit – the Paraclete whom He-will-send to you- my Father – in my name – She will teach you every-thing; She will remind you of that which I have told you." (Translation courtesy of Danny Mahar, author of Aramaic Made EZ).
There is much we do not understand about the Ruach, but what I do see clearly is that our understanding of the Ruach has been trashed over the course of the millennia. I can see the plot of evil behind it — the special hatred ha'Satan has for women — enforced through the oppression of, forced submission, control over, suppression and abuse all at the hands of men. Ha'Satan hates Yah's Ruach ha'Kodesh. To destroy Her reflection (females) would be to hurt Her.
It is not hard to imagine that as the translations of our Scriptures took place at the order of fleshly kings and other men that there would be no way men were going to let there be a "female" in the God-head! Thus, instead of cherishing women they left out or changed things to suit their agenda (power over women). In order to do this, over the course of time the translators changed "Ruach ha'Kodesh" (Hebrew and feminine in form) to "Nooma" (Greek, meaning neuter or neither) to the Latin "Sanctus Spiritus" (masculine in form).
Would not this be a form of blasphemy against the Set-Apart Spirit of Yah?
The Ruach ha'Kodesh is LIFE! She has a family role to play in the Family Elohim.
The Hebrew word is breath (life). The Ruach is like water (life). etc. The woman gives bears and gives life for and to the male. Men are assigned by YHVH to sustain the beauty and protect her from the evil one. He can't bear children. He can't make life alone. He needs her desperately. Humans are feminine and masculine––reflecting an incredible family called YHVH Elohim. Without this framework of "family" and "family role" for YHVH, Ye'shua AND the Ruach ha'Kodesh humanity begins to unravel at it's core and the great abominations happen. Genders get confused and sodomy happens.
As Rom. 1:18-30 says,
"The wrath of YHVH is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about Elohim is plain to them, because Elohim has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world YHVH Elohim's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
For although they knew YHVH, they neither glorified him as Elohim nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal Elohim for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
Therefore Elohim gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about Elohim for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
Because of this, Elohim gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of Elohim, so Elohim gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,slanderers, Elohim-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know Elohim’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them."
In nature we see families. We see a father, mother and children. We see males and females in relationship to produce offspring. This Scripture above makes it super clear that to believe that the Family in Heaven is not a natural family, but instead "3 men" devoid of the one male and one female producing children is to open the door for perversion. None of us really know the full relationship between the Father and the Ruach ha'Kodesh. But what we do know is that the Scripture refers to Them as family and it is clear that the Ruach (feminine) planted the seed of YHVH (masculine) in Miriam to create the Son. It is clear that Ye'shua said that we must be born again through the womb of the Ruach ha'Kodesh. It is clear that Wisdom IS the feminine Ruach ha'Kodesh as seen in the Wisdom of Solomon. It is clear that in Proverbs it is really Her speaking. It is also clear that we both the Father and the Son refer to the Ruach ha'Kodesh as a "She" in old manuscripts.
I have only begun to address this in my videos. I plan on doing more about Her in the future and unpacking the “Us” of Yehovah Elohim. I think it should be very good news for women AND men to see the Ruach (the Set Apart Spirit) as feminine!
Deidre Havrelock,
Boaz Nieuwhof,
Skip Moen,
Monica Dennington,
Paraklete: A Masculine Word For A Feminine Spirit?
Blasphemy Of The Spirit Of Wisdom
Rebekah Garvin,
What is the Ruach ha'Kodesh? (3rd Video in the Hebrew Vocab Block)
Feminine Ruach and Feasting Within Your Means and Situation
KJV Pastors and Teachers,
Proclaiming Wisdom on the Feminine Holy Spirit
Faith Followers
Mother Wisdom | The Hidden Books
Once Again, the Holy Spirit is a SHE!
Last time...the Holy Spirit is a SHE!
Into all Truth
“I understand most people are on different calendars, which do you all observe? I understand most Malky-Tsadaq believers have switched to observing a sunrise day reckoning on the Spring "Equinox" (according to the sun crossing directly over the equator rather than equal parts day and night as directed in Chanak) calendar, but I yearn to keep the Feasts with other mashpacha according to what Chanak and the Scriptures have explained..."– Ashar Elah Shaqah
Matthew Nolan used to keep the Creator's calendar – the same one we have kept throughout our whole Hebrew journey and will continue to keep until the Messiah returns!
If you look at Mr. Nolan's video where he introduces his new calendar with a young Messianic man you will find that Nolan states that this is just a guess, that we can't know the real calendar and that what he is teaching may not be right. But he has gone on to preach it like it is truth, censoring anyone (including us) who teaches otherwise and is leading thousands astray. It's torn the young Melchizedek movement apart and caused fellowship on Feast days to be even harder than it was before! We believe that the push to use a different calendar comes from the desire to separate from absolutely ALL Jewish / Messianic / Hebrew Roots theology and teachers. But not everything that those people teach is wrong. We have to have discernment. We value many teachers insights into the Scriptures, the calling by Yehovah on their lives and their lifetimes spent in proper scientific and historical study to come to Truth.
So, yes we are very troubled to see that other Melchizedek teachers and their students have been pushing a calendar that is not Scriptural and that is based on an outside Scripture source (The Book of Enoch or the findings in Qumran). It's not to say that prior to the Flood there wasn't a perfect year (360 days), but after the Flood things happened that caused the year to be 365 days approx. Therefore, to try to force a pre-flood calendar is not going to work––and is at it’s core rebellion (wanting to do things our own way). Their calendar is wrong at so many levels, but especially if you try to use it to find His “Chag” Feasts (His pilgrimage Feasts) that fall on the full moon as declared in Ps. 81. Following man-made calendars will keep one from celebrating the Feasts at the Appointed Times.
The important thing is that YHVH gave us instructions on how we (this side of the Flood) are to reckon time in order to find HIS cycle of Feasts. Like many other people do, my family and our ministry (a Melchizedek ministry) also teaches and lives the calendar found in our Scriptures––the Creator’s Calendar: the Aviv Barley and the Sighted New Moon.
We must remember that our Rabbi Ye'shua (and we are to have no other rabbi) never confronted the religious leaders of His day about calendar. Anyone who said He did is reading into the text. When it comes to calendar, historians of His day confirm that He and His disciples were keeping the Aviv barley and sighted moon. As a royal priest of His, I will do and teach what He did.
So, please know that not all ministries and families who are being moved into an understanding of the Melchizedek Priesthood are keeping the Enochian / Patriarchal / Zadokite (Qumran) / Equinox Calendar. You don't have to join up with their calendar error and propagate it. Torah to the Tribes is pushing their own man-made calendar and censoring anyone who is trying to teach otherwise. They removed me from being an Admin in their FB group (which originally was Dr. David Perry's group) because I was calling them out on their calendar. They have actually since blocked me from the group preventing me from access to the people there, which is where many of the people who are interested in the Melchizedek Priesthood are going.
All this.... though I and my husband are running a strong Melchizedek-minded ministry and we are the ones who translated, edited and published Dr. David Perry’s books about the Melchizedek Priesthood of which Mr. Nolan learned and before there were any ministries exploring it.
Welcome to battle.
For more articles on calendar purchase a Key to unlock the Vault at Kingdom University.
We understand that the Parashah was created to keep all Israel studying the same thing each week while they were in exile. It is the Torah in bite-size pieces each week with a bunch of rabbi's commentary on it starting with Genesis and ending with Deuteronomy. This cycle goes for one year starting and ending at Shemini Atzeret.
To the naked eye, this of course, that sounds good. And yes there are a lot of great teachings in the Parashah.... BUT we acknowledge it is a rabbinic man-made lesson plan. The Parashah usurps YHVH Elohim's lesson plan.
Yehovah already has set up a lesson plan that we are to follow. It is the Feast rhythm. He wants us to study certain things at certain times of the year and His Feasts guide us into those topics. If we follow the Parsha that the religious leaders (rabbis) invented then we miss out on the opportunity to think about, talk about, meditate on, study about and pray about the cycle of "study" Yehovah created.
As a quick example, let's say it is near First Fruits. What is the Parashah on? I guarantee it is not about First Fruits.
Also, when we just read the first 5 books of the Scriptures we ignore the entire rest of the Scripture. As priests of Ye'shua we should be studying His words as well -- He was speaking his Father's words! All you need to know, every topic you NEED to study is found in the Feasts and in the life of Ye'shua who did and will continue to fulfill them.
It's simple, people! Religious nonsense makes it so complicated! And by the way, to all those who say we must be studying the same thing every week....we would all be studying the same thing at the same time if we followed Yehovah's Feast Calendar as our weekly lesson plan!
For more articles purchase a Key to unlock the Vault at Kingdom University.
We are Young Earth Creationists. The Scriptures and nature are witnesses that Earth was made in 6 literal days (6-24 hour periods).
We can be sure of this for many reasons.
One reason in particular is that Yehovah Elohim made vegetation on the third day BEFORE He created the sunshine on the fourth day. He purposely made the plants to need the sunshine to survive. No plants would have been able to survive without the sunshine for 1,000 years (if a day is equal to a thousand years as some claim that the Scriptures teaches in regards to Creation).
Also, in the Genesis account we see that Yom (the Hebrew word for "day") is added to a number –– as in a list. Genesis records that the Creator defined a day as "evening and morning." This 24 hour period to a day is undisputed. We do not experience vast time between our evenings and our mornings––it is a simple 24-hour period. "So when we read evening and morning together it clearly means an ordinary day." Here's a good little video on this.
To us, a literal 6-day (24 hour periods) Creation is a duh!
For more articles purchase a Key to unlock the Vault at Kingdom University.
Because the command to wear the tzitzit came as Yehovah's reaction to Israel's inability to remember to obey Him AFTER their breach of the first Contract (Old Covenant) at the base of Mt. Sinai (Num. 15:37-41).
Tzitzit wearing is an acknowledgement of believing one is under the Law (the Levitcal, imposed and temporary law that came after the Golden Calf breach). What gift took away the need to wear tzitzit? It was the work and gift of Ye'shua. As Col 2:14 says that which was set against us was nailed to the cross. The Covenant that is in the Ark was never set against us. It was the extra Law that came after Israel broke the Contract with the Golden Calf that was "set against us." We are to DIVIDE the Word of TRUTH. Therefore, among many other heavy commands in the extra Levitical Law we can see that tzitzit wearing was also done away with at the death and Resurrection of our Messiah, because again Ye'shua nailed the extra Levitical Book of the Law that was "set against us" (Deut. 31:26; Col 2:14) to the cross.
After paying the price for Israel's sin and resurrecting, He left our World so that the Ruach ha'Kodesh could come and live in our hearts MOVING us to obey. Obey what? Obey the light-burden of the Everlasting Royal Law found in Ex.19-24 and it's Melchizedek issues found prior and after. This is what makes the New Covenant the Superior Covenant.
Heb. 8:6-10
"But now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second. For finding fault with them, He saith, Behold, the days come, saith YHVH, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith YHVH. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith YHVH; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them an Elohim, and they shall be to me a people."
If you read, you'll notice that the tzizit command came right after a man was caught not honoring the Sabbath day. YHVH had to help Israel remember and show them how serious not obeying was––so He had the man put to death. The wearing of "tassels on the corners of your garments" command came on the heals of that incident. Tzitzit wearing was thus instituted by YHVH during the Levitical order (not earlier in the original Melchizedek order). One other thing that Matthew Nolan points out is that they would have been wearing a different looking tzitzits than people do now. The tzitzit would have been fringes ALL OVER the edges of the peoples garments getting in the way of EVERYTHING reminding them of their sin and that they must obey. They would not have looked like the current tassels people wear on their belt loops.
Yes, Ye'shua wore tzitzit all his life, because He lived under the Levitical Law. But His sacrifice set us free from that band aid and brought something that would fix the situation –– a new heart that was moved to obey. We can see that what remains is the Everlasting Royal Law (Ex. 19-24) and keeping it in the power of the New Contract (the New Covenant). This new and only available Contract comes with the New Heart with the Ruach ha'Kodesh living in it moving us from the inside to obey. We do not need any external props like tzitzit or tefillin (phylacteries) to remind us to keep the commandments. Why? Because our hearts are circumcised to Yehovah. This is the point, people!
As Dr. David Perry says, even an orthodox Jew who has worn tzitzit all his life knows that you are not under the Law (the Levitical Law) after you die. They cut off the tzitzit once they have died. We guarantee that Ye'shua did not come out of the grave wearing tzitzit! Therefore, when we go into the water to mikvah we should wear tzitzit in and cut them off when we come out of the water, as a symbol of the fact that we die with Ye'shua to the Law that once condemned us (reminding us that we committed adultery and worshiped other gods starting with the Golden Calf incident) and we are raised to life into Ye'shua's "burden is easy, His yolk is light" Melchizedek reality.
To wear tzitzit is to ignore and reject the work of Ye'shua who restored the Father's (Yehovah's) original idea (a royal nation of priests) and it is to reject Yehovah's solution to the human heart problem.
For more articles purchase a Key to unlock the Vault at Kingdom University.
4th of July? Mother's Day? Father's Day? Memorial Day? Labor Day? St. Patricks Day? Martin Luther King Day? Thanksgiving? Because these are man-made holy days. They are "set apart" by man. Many of then are treated like a High (special) Shabbat.
Please let me explain before you say, "Oh, Rebekah! Stop it! I’m tired of this! You are promoting conspiracy theories! Stop making me surrender things! This is the only holiday left for me to meet with my family and friends! It isn't that bad!”
Why did we choose to not celebrate Thanksgiving or 4th of July anymore? Well, the simple answer is because it is a man-made holy day––as in, it is "set apart" by man. It is treated like a Shabbat. Stores close down. People get work off. They buy special clothes to wear. They buy special food for a celebration. They rest. They play. They decorate. They gather. They celebrate. Sound familiar? They have a parade. When was the last time we had a parade for Yehovah our Elohim?
We are not saying that the Scripture says that it is wrong to remember birthdays, anniversaries, independence or thank Him for the good things that happen in our life. But Papa Yah has already told us what days we are to work and to rest. He has told us what days are extra special and for what reason. He’s told us when we get off work to celebrate, party, relax, rest and fellowship together–– every 7th day (Shabbat) and the 7 annual Shabbats throughout the year.
He's even told us WHAT He wants us to celebrate and what topics to talk about. Of course, I can't find anywhere in the Scriptures that says marking special moments in our life with celebrations is wrong, but when the whole pagan nation we live in annually sets apart a certain day and treats it like a special Shabbat –– there is a problem for us as Yah's people celebrating alongside of them. To continue to refuse to set apart the days Yehovah has asked us to celebrate in favor of man-made ones is rebellion. It is my opinion, until we have Papa's rhythm down and are honoring all His Holy Days (weekly, monthly and yearly) we have no business looking at, focusing on, spending money on or honoring any other "set apart" day. And who among us has really lived full out in HIS rhythm yet? I believe this takes a lifetime. I guarantee that if we lived in Yah's rhythm fully we would have no time to celebrate anything but HIS holidays––they are all consuming–– just as is HIS fire!
Excusing and allowing one man-made "holy day" into our summer of fall will make it easier to allow the winter ones back into our life. A little leaven leavens the whole lump sort-of-thing.
Let’s take the energy we spend on the Fourth of July where we honor people and institutions for 'giving us freedom' (which they can resend at will) and turn to honor the One who truly gives us freedom and who saves us (and who does not lie), Yehovah our Elohim.
On the 4th of July in America, we look at the statue of 'Lady Liberty" who is actually, Semiramis (both Nimrod's wife and Tammuz' mother, and who is worshiped as the "mother of god" and a "fertility goddess" and who might actually be more like "Larry Liberty" according to Jim Staley's study. And then there's the roots of Thanksgiving (it's not pagan, just man-made).
OMG! Let’s stop honoring this pagan country, the country of our affliction, the country where we sojourn, the country where we remain exiles and turn to consider that Yehovah has commanded us to return to the Land He chose for us to live in. Let’s stop entangling the hearts of our children in man-made holy days in a foreign land and teach our children the true Holy Day rhythm of Yehovah Elohim, The Creator!
I’m clear on what a counterfeit holy day looks like. I'm clear on where true freedom lies. I'm clear on who and when I should stop everything for to honor. So, I cry out to Israel to be consistent, careful and consumed with Papa Yah’s rhythm only–––spring, summer, fall and winter. I call out to Israel to fall back in love with the Creator and forget all the ways of your youth, at all costs.
Be thankful, be on your knees, but don't forget WHO you should be honoring and WHEN He wants to be honored.
Also, if you have a hang up with celebrating the 2 Biblical Festivals of Chanukah and Purim and feel you shouldn't keep them because they are "not part of the 7" then I ask you, "Do you celebrate Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, Labor Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day or even birthdays?" If so, you are celebrating days that aren't found anywhere in the Scriptures. Chanukah and Purim are powerful, good amazing festivals! Ye'shua even sanctioned Chanukah (the Feast of Dedication) by going up to it. And these festivals are actually in the Scriptures, people!
Think again.
The following written by Melody Meachum and put here with her permission.
"EXTREMELY well stated Rebekah!! This is a subject that needs to be aired-out. "Patriotism" has served as a huge cog in the wheels that have turned the demonic system.
As if the religious denominational zealots aren't enough to shake off, the delusional "patriotic" souls are just as blind. They've brainwashed the generations to believe thier blood was necessary for Freedom; to fight and die in conflicts that American banks funded, and rich oligarchs prospered greatly from.
The freedoms that most point to, look good on paper- they're phantom national rights. Justice is fought for in crooked courts, with crooked judges, & the lawyers are part of the crooked system. Our money goes to SICK abominations via the .gov tax machine that runs on the backs of the people. The satanic, pagen, British Crown still owns this corporation called America, and the Pope is over religion. There's no place where the Hebrew Truth-teller is welcome here. Not even in the churches!
Our Messiah was crucified over His "freedom of speech." Yeshua's crown-of-thorns was symbolic of Government rule (Rome), and religious (Pharasee) rule, joined together, thus publicly demonstrating, "you'll think and believe what WE tell you!" The Crown and the Church has lied to us for thousands of years. Their crown (gov.) still aims to lock our minds into THIER thorny lies, and pagen annual rituals.
"But we were founded on religious principles" they say- well so was Orthadox Judaism! Every false doctrine throughout history can claim, "religious principles!" The "religious" bastion of vipers (Judahism) to this day condems even speaking the Name of YesHuA! They cite staunch "religious principles" too.
For those still not convinced, consider the pagen Greek gods (dieties), goddesses, and gargoyles carved into the architecturial ornamentation of EVERY D.C. building- not to mention the pagen obelisks, and masonic pattern the D.C. Capital is built on.
The curtain has fell. This country has become "a hissing, an object of "scorn and reproach."
People's "love" and flag-waving shows just how many are still asleep. Our people are programmed to be compliant subjects, to go-along, to get-along; to have FAITH in a rigged system that revolves around money, lies, and war. When people STOP placing thier FAITH in government, and call this evil framework OUT for what it is- a bloodthirsty, life-consuming, ferris-wheel, that people are entertained on while it rolls into hell taking its riders with it, and INSTEAD place thier faith in YHVH, AND adhere to His ways of Truth- it would all crumble!
Man will continue to hold on, and hold-out for thier (patriotic) lies, delusions of justice, and thick propaganda, until the Lion of Judah returns to tread the winepress.
This patriotic jargon is a huge piece of the heart | mind trap. I love that you expounded on it Rebekah ♥️ "
We have gotten a lot of questions over the years about why we don't celebrate Thanksgiving anymore... So today Isaac and I are going live for a few minutes to talk about our reasons. If you're interested listen in and glean for your own life.... this applies to ALL harvest festivals across the World and across religions. Link to get the article on Thanksgiving (purchase the Vault Key) https://the-kingdom-university.teacha...
Another season and opportunity to trade UP!
-Trading a Nation, for a Kingdom
-Trading a flag, for a Tribe Banner
-Trading Babylon for Israel
-Trading a president, for the King of kings
- Trading enemy programming, for Truth
-Trading Mem.Day for Shavuot
The events on the timeline of the Spring Feast Calendar, allows us to choose a new identity, a new heritage, a new eternal Covenant, and allows us to be joint-heirs with Christ. This weekend the Babylonian nation of America (land of the "plumbed serpent") will indulge in their annual burnt offerings of bulls and pork (on their grills), perpetuating allegiance to a carefully constructed fisod. YHVH is the supreme "cancel-culture" genius.
Israel however renounces the earthly paradigm, for our spiritual heritage, and calls out counterfeit "nationalism" for the Memorial (Shavuot) of our Kingdom inheritance. No wonder Israel has "forgotten who they are." We've been buried in generations of lies, to keep us from the Truth. But, the Father has called us from the nation's to come out as HIS people.We are a chosen generation, a Royal Priesthood, and HOLY N A T I O N. There's no duel citizenship. We are to come O U T of one to the other. Israel! Be mindful of double standards.
Passover (New Covenant), Resurrection (1st Fruits), Ascension, and Pentecost is our TRUE heritage, and the only allegiance of loyalty deserving of memorializing!
So America- have at it. I'm celebrating under the banner of "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah," and the liberation from this world, in mind, heart, and Spirit, never felt so good.
What cha doin for Mem.Day weekend, they ask. "I'm celebrating MY Spiritual heritage and the triumphant defeat of darkness by Yeshua my King."
Join us in the Ladies Group for encouragement and support for a life of repentance!
No, not in the way that the world determines that. But we are true Jews according to the Scriptures, because we are one inwardly and keep the Torah with circumcised hearts through the work of the Ruach ha'Kodesh––not by the written code!
According to Rom 2:25-29 anyone who is circumcised in heart to YHVH is a Jew. "So they show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts either accusing or defending them....You who boast in the law, do you dishonor Elohim by breaking the law? As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” Circumcision has value if you observe the law, but if you break the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. If a man who is not circumcised keeps the requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be regarded as circumcision? The one who is physically uncircumcised yet keeps the law will condemn you who, even though you have the written code and circumcision, are a lawbreaker. A man is not a Jew because he is one outwardly, nor is circumcision only outward and physical...No, a man is a Jew because he is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Ruach ha'Kodesh, not by the written code. Such a man's praise does not come from men, but from Elohim." Rom. 2:26
We are true Jews because the church of Philadelphia (of which we are part) is made up of those who met the conditions of Rom. 2:26.
"I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut (5 virgins whose hearts were circumcised through the Ruach ha'Kodesh). I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word (kept the Covenant Law) and have not denied my name (speak His Name, YHVH and Ye'shua). I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth."
Also, we sojourn with Ye'shua (who is from the tribe of Judah) who was and is a Jew. YHVH said that whatever tribe we sojourn with we get to become part of. Those who sojourn with Ye'shua are part of His tribe (Judah). It becomes clear at the end of this verse,
"You are to divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. You shall allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the foreigners who dwell among you and who have children. You are to treat them as native-born Israelites; along with you, they shall be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. In whatever tribe a foreigner dwells, you are to assign his inheritance there,” declares YHVH your Elohim.…" Ez.47:21-23.
We are true Jews because we sojourn with Ye'shua, who is a Jew and there is provision in the Torah that says, the sojourner becomes as a native born of the tribe they sojourn with. "And when a stranger dwells with you and wants to keep the Passover to YHVH, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as a native of the land." Ex. 12:48
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The Lazarus and Abraham story was a parable, not meant to be taken literally. :-)
And the "today you will be with me in Paradise" text has a comma error.
This is what Wilson Paroschi writes: "Jesus’ promise to the “good” thief on the cross—“‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise’” (NRSV)—is often taken as major proof of the immortality of the soul; that is, the belief that the spirit or soul of the faithful dead has conscious existence in heaven before the resurrection. Yet not all are convinced Jesus really told the penitent criminal they would be together in Paradise that very day. The whole problem hangs on a single comma, most likely absent from Luke’s original manuscript. With the comma placed before “today” (sēmeron), as most translations do, the adverb would refer to the following verb (“to be”), and the text would have the traditional meaning: “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” But if placed after “today,” then the adverb would modify the preceding verb (“to tell”), and Jesus’ words would have an entirely different connotation: “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.” Though sometimes considered pleonastic and senseless, the alternative reading could be possible, especially if all the evidence—textual, linguistic, and scriptural—is accounted for."
He goes on to expound on this. :-) I don't see "middle heavens" taught in Scripture. :-) But if there is any doubt I always just look at what Ye'shua taught. He wasn't teaching on what happens to us when we die with the Lazarus and Abraham parable, nor with the comment on the cross. He was very clear that death was a sleep when he raised Lazarus and the little girl. In sleep we won't even know we are asleep. I have heard it taught that from the moment we close our eyes in sleep to be moment of Resurrection that it will be like only a second passed. You won't "be without him" any more than you feel you are without your husband when you fall asleep by his side at night and wake up in the morning by his side.
More texts in Isaiah 28; Isaiah 30; Job 34:14-15 talks about returning to "dust." Isaiah 38:19 -" The living, only the living, can thank You, as I do today; fathers will tell their children about Your faithfulness."
1 Thess. 5:10 "He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him." Many people believe that this text proves that we go to heaven when we die. But the word for "asleep" is the word katheudó (2518) which means "I sleep, am sleeping." It is not found in reference to death and a completely different word that the word for 'dead' in the same verse describing what Ye'shua did for us. The sleep talked about here has nothing to do with the kind of death-sleep that Ye'shua talks about in John 11:11. In this whole situation with Lazarus being dead for 4 days and Ye'shua going to raise him up we see OUR RABBI teaching on the state of the dead. Ye'shua uses a different word than found in Thess. for death-sleep. He uses the word koimaó (2837 from NG2749) which means "I fall asleep, am asleep, sometimes of the sleep of death." This word can be used for regular sleep, but can also be used for death-sleep. If you're not sure –– then go with the teaching of Ye'shua not the teaching of man.
From Ali Prescott: "The Serpent also deceives Adam and Havah about death, contradicting Yah’s clear instructions that they will certainly die if they ate from the Tree of Knowledge. Today, this deception continues, even amongst believers in Ye’shua. Amongst certain communities, there remains a firm and unshakable belief that humans have an immortal soul that will live on beyond death. They believe that as long as one professes “Christ”, and says a simple prayer, that this immortal soul will go straight to heaven upon death, and that the souls of everyone else who is “unsaved” will go to an ever-burning hell to be tortured for eternity. Unfortunately, this belief is not rooted in the Bible, but has its origins in New Age, going as far back as Egyptian and Babylonian mystery religions, which claim that because the soul is immortal, death is not really death but just part of a mystical journey. What the Bible teaches is different. The Bible shows that man does not have a soul, but that man IS a soul. Man has a body, but only when YHVH breathed life into Adam did he become a living soul (nephesh; Genesis 2:7, KJV). We do not split into two parts, a dead body and a living soul because only Elohim has immortality as stated in 1 Timothy 6:16."
Rebekah shows you straight from Scriptures what happens to us when we die. Israel needs to stop propagating the lie that we go to heaven when we die. The Scriptures makes it very clear that there is a formula to life that YHVH established, that Ye'shua taught that we go to sleep when we die to await the Resurrection. We do NOT die into immortality -- instead, the Scriptures teach that we raise to immortality at the Resurrection.
So, to the question, “Are we released from the Law according to Romans 7:6?” our answer is “Yes…and No.”
There are two Laws. One was temporary. It was nailed to the cross and we are released from it. But the other Law is eternal and it still remains, so we are not “free” from all law. (I put “free” in quotes because that would not actually be freedom. That would be chaos and anarchy.)
The key to “rightly dividing the word of truth” is to know that something was done away with at the cross…but not everything. Something was done away with, but something still remains.
“For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious.” 2 Cor. 3:11
We know that S'haul (Paul) can be hard to understand (2 Peter 3:16). But in order to have any hope of understanding S'haul, we have to know that there is more than one Law that he talks about, and we have to figure out, in each case, which Law he is talking about.
Ye’shua Himself said, “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.” Matt. 5:17-18
This is how we can make sense of the fact that the New Covenant hinges on YHVH’s (God’s) Law being written on our hearts.
“But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says YHVH: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.” Jer. 31:33
There is a Law that comes with the New Covenant. The question we should be asking is, “Which Law?” It is the work of the Ruach (the Spirit) given at Shavuot (Pentecost) to write Yah’s Law on our hearts and move us to keep it (Ez. 36:26-27), which brings us back to Romans 7:6, especially the part that says “…so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit…”
The “New” in “New Covenant” does not refer to a brand new Law or to a new system in which there is no law at all. It refers to a new mechanism by which we can keep YHVH’s Eternal Law. That mechanism is the new heart with the Law written on it by the Ruach Ha’Kodesh. That is how we can “serve in the newness of the Spirit.”
This is really just the beginning. What I have been attempting to explain is the basis of the Melchizedek understanding that is such a large focus of Teshuvah Ministries. We have many resources on this topic. Please use the search function on our website to help you search them out, if you are truly interested.
Rebekah shows you this change in Priesthood and Law in her Shavuot Basics, Part 2 video...
We have never before seen or heard of any such reference to starting the day at "pitch black." And, the evening to evening (sunset) reckoning is so well established that the burden of proof would fall very heavily on anyone and they would have to produce an overwhelming body of evidence for it, as well as rock solid proof that the sunset to sunset reckoning does not work. (Which we personally know for a fact that it does because we have practiced it for over 50 years.)
A “pitch black” method of reckoning can NOT work–for the same reason that trying to reckon a month by a dark moon or a full moon does not work. That is because there is no possible way to positively determine exactly when any of them has occurred (and for another witness to confirm it.)
On top of that, pitch black does not exist, except in a cave or some similar space, so that is a useless measure to try to force on to creation or on to the scriptures. Sorry, but that’s just plain common sense.
In consideration of Chanukah, this subject has been on my mind quite a bit, The "Star Of David," or "Seal of Solomon."
"Judaism" (Pharisaical man-made self righteousness) has adopted the symbolic star and used it for centuries! The same bunch that rejected and hated Yeshua, killed the Prophets, and crucified the Holy Son of YHVH, the power hungry religious ones Yeshua un-apologetically referred to as, "the synagogue of satan."
Their Talmud refers to it (the star), and the triangles used to form the hexagonal star, are used by Kabalists and references Mola_h worship; the most abhorrent, twisted, sick travesty of bloodshed adopted by ancient Israelites. The term, put a "hex" on someone comes to mind too! Solomon deviated from the faith (of his Father David) and succumbing to the pagan wives he took (700+ concubines) according to Biblical accounts, engaged in abominable, demonic rituals with them. Such acts were vehemently contrary to YHVH's instruction to NOT engage in such soul-damning practices!
In spite of YaH's warnings, their rebellion, idolatry and paganism was the reason they were taken into slavery and dispersed into" all nations (as Yah's justifiable retribution). The people of this unholy rebellious culture eventually forgot who they are, and became known as "lost sheep."
The Bible (in Amos) talks of the use of the pagan star as a common, well known symbol of pagan worship. Their demonic god is referenced and perpetuated with the star's use. The hexagonal star has 6 points which some draw attention to the 666 reference. The Vatican, Talmud, Kabbalah and other "practices" have used the star.
Solomon's act of building horrific alters to Molh__. where children were ritually sacrificed, have become today's abortion mills. To this day, the star is flown a flag for the world to see.
There's a plethora of YT videos on the subject for those who understandably don't have time to read the articles. I've read several articles on the subject and also took in a couple of videos on this "Star of Remphan" subject. It becomes a weighty concern of mine because I'm responsible for what comes into my house- including symbology.
I feel this information is best researched individually, to arrive at your own conclusion. Judging by the history of it, as for me I'll be conscientiously purging anything I've acquired with this symbol on it, decorative ribbons etc.
For me to keep items with it and use the phrase, "that's not what to means to me, or, He knows my heart" is the same rhetoric used to justify not esteeming the Restored Names, and other pagan influences adopted by the masses, that I've so diligently sought to be delivered from. As they say, "when you know better, you do better."
Chanukah isn't far off, and preparations are being made in the hearts and homes of so many Ezer's longing to reverence the set-apart path by honorably worshiping in Spirit and in Truth, I just want to be sober-minded about the decorative details and not allow compromising "junk" to slip in. May you do the same.
Written by Melody Meachum
TM Ladies of Teshuvah MOD
Nov. 3, 2024
Johnathan Cahn
The Hebrew word, "teshuvah" means "to turn" or to "return." It means to do a 180 degree turn and do the opposite of what you were doing.
"The word Teshuvah is usually translated as repentance. ....[but actually] Teshuvah is better translated as “return” and signifies a return to the original state. –Nissan Dovid Dubov at
Repenting is a lifestyle change. Repenting will affect your entire life. From what you do during the holidays and how you treat each other to what you do in the kitchen. It will affect what you do on vacation to how you deal with school and work. Repenting is not saying "I'm sorry" and then continuing in the same patterns (sin / rebellion). Simply put: repenting is walking out change from corrected beliefs. It's making new habits that put you inline with YHVH's Royal Law (found in Ex.19-24) and Ye'shua's command to Love YHVH, others and yourself.
Live like a verb! Becoming purified silver or cut to be a diamond is not a comfortable process. We all know that lifestyle changes are not easy, they affect us at our core. But they are crucial for repentance. We want to encourage you to make those necessary changes. Live your life as a verb according to THE Instructions and you will grow in holiness. Repenting is how you prepare to meet your King and Bridegroom!
Where to start? We believe a good place to start would be re-looking at the 10 commandments again. Are you worshiping another god? Do you have graven images around you? Are you saying His name? Are you keeping the weekly Shabbat? Are you honoring your Father and Mother in Heaven? Are you treating others right (ie: not murdering, not coveting, not committing adultery, not bearing false witness, not stealing etc)? And then you would need to continuing on through the Covenant (Ex.19-23) looking at the rest of the Royal Law and of course, the Melchizedek issues that were established prior Ex.19 but detailed out after Ex.24.
We believe that where repentance is most seen is in that first commandment where YHVH commands us to "have no other gods in his face!" Celebrations are a sacrifice to a god. What holidays do you chose to offer your sacrifices to? The pagan ones? Or YHVH's? If we can't get the first commandment down how could we ever continue on with the rest of them until Ex.23?
Watch videos where Rebekah teaches about each one of Yehovah's Feasts. Her video teachings are a great introduction to the Feasts because they are done with love, creatively and some entertainment. You will enjoy watching and learning from Rebekah as she helps the Scattered understand what Yehovah's Feasts are all about so that they (you) can repent and return to the Creator, Yehovah Elohim.
Teshuvah Ministries PMB 173 2900 Government Way; Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
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