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Our Core Beliefs are things that we consider Scriptural Truth. They are posted here so that you will know from what convictions we learn, live and teach. Some of these beliefs are what set us apart from Christianity as well as many Messianic, Hebrew Roots ministries. Some of these beliefs do overlap with our Core Values. They are all Scriptural and we think they are really cool!
Our Core Values are a little different from our Core Beliefs. Our Core Values are part of the culture of Teshuvah Ministries, The Kingdom Place, CDA and those who volunteer here. They are things that we value and strive for in our Kingdom Culture.
Please know that we will eventually have a track that you can purchase that will show you the Scriptural path of each of our Beliefs as well as our Values. These tracks will be small and great for purchasing a stack of them to give to others. 3 are currently available.
Developing this ministry has been a labor of love, done primarily in isolation. We are just following our hearts, working hard while waiting for Papa Yah to provide. Thank-you for your monthly support that will help us press on through our struggles toward thriving.
These are our ministries core beliefs they affect everything we do and produce.
We believe that the Scriptures instructs us to know, sanctify and use the name of our Elohim. We believe that the Scripture tells us to make a distinction between the god’s of the world and the Creator God of the Universe by using His Name, YHVH. This is Israel’s Elohim. This Elohim is the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” He is our Elohim. To not use the Name is to break the 3rd Commandment in the Covenant. We sanctify The Name by speaking it, praising it, fearing and obeying it. We are convicted that Dr. Nehemia Gordon has been anointed to discover the way to pronounce the Name. The Ruach ha'Kodesh has led him to find it pronounced "Yehovah" over 2500 in the ancient manuscripts (witnessed in person). We reject other ways of speaking the Name as being from people who do not know how Hebrew grammar works and seek their own glory, power and position in Israel.
We believe the Scriptures makes it clear that YHVH Elohim is One (ehad in heart and purpose), Together they are The Heavenly Family made up of 3 separate and distinct Persons each with a heart and a family role (Father, Mother and Son). This is the Family Pattern of which we were created in. In Their likeness we are made as male, female as well as FAMILY. Father (YHVH Elohim), Mother (Ruach ha’Kodesh), Son (Yehoshua ha’Mashiach) make up the Family in Heaven. All sexual perversion stems from the twisted belief that there are 3 males in the "god-head" instead of THE Original Family, made up of a Father, a Mother and a Son. We reject all teachings that ignore the Scriptures simple and clear distinction between the Three. The Father is different from the Son. The Son is NOT the Father. The Spirit is not the Father etc.
The Ruach ha’Kodesh (the Spirit of YHVH) has a gender (feminine) and holds the role of Mother in the Family in Heaven. She is Wisdom of which King Solomon spoke of, wrote of and desired to have. She is the Womb we must be born gain through that Ye'shua spoke of and Whom He gave His followers after He left. The "Us" in the Creation Story includes Her as YHVH's Other. We believe that YHVH is the "Image" and She is the is the "Likeness" that man and women were created in. Therefore, She is the Feminine form in the "God-head" of whom women were created to reflect. She is YHVH's Presence. In the ancient manuscripts we see that Ye'shua refers to Her as a She and so does YHVH in the Tanak. She is the One who can dwell in us, circumcising our hearts to YHVH and moving us to obey Him. The outpouring of Her is what makes the New Contract superior to the old. To call Her a male and to reject Her work in us is to blaspheme and commit the unpardonable sin––something that the Father will not pardon. Our family and ministry rejects calling Her by titles that have been made up by man to deliever the impression that the Ruach ha'Kodesh is male.
We believe that the entire Scriptures confirms through history, prophecy and eye witness accounts that Yehoshua (Ye'shua) was the Lighted Lamp that went through the pieces in Gen.15. He took the place of Abraham’s descendants and accepted the death position. We believe He is the Lamb provided by YHVH whose shed blood pays for the first broken covenant of Ex.19-24 at the Golden Calf incident as well as original sin. Through Him Israel has the ONE Way back to the Father. He is the Bread of Life that we must eat of to be made perfect. He is the 2nd Adam and the WORD of YHVH through which all things were created. He is the Prophet Moses spoke of whom we must shema and our High Priest in the Eternal Order of Melchizedek. He is our only Rabbi, the Rightful King of Planet Earth and Israel’s Bridegroom. He is YHVH’s Kinsman Redeemer. He was the one-time sacrifice for all time. He is our Brother.
We believe that the Scriptures makes it clear that YHVH does things legally. We see 3 legal documents in the heavenlies: a Title Deed for Earth, Yah’s Will (that was enacted upon the death of His Son) and a Covenant between Yah and humans. A legal transaction occurs between YHVH and ha’Satan for our life. To save us, YHVH Elohim has forged a Covenant in the blood of His Son that we must enter and then obey the terms of that Covenant in order to be saved. Keeping this Covenant will give YHVH the "paperwork" He needs to get ha'Satan's legal claim on us removed. Things are done legally in the courtroom in Heaven, therefore we recognize that there is a legal Contract to keep in order to gain Eternal Life (the Happily-Ever-After). There is no way to sin and break the Contract and still get Eternal Life due to the legal ramifications of the way Salvation works. Praise YHVH Elohim in that HE has given us everything we need to be successful in keeping this life-saving Covenant.
We are made in the Image of YHVH Elohim to bear Their Image among the Earth. There are only 2 genders, male and female. We see the Scriptures teaching that to be human is to DO what YHVH Elohim does. Initially, He creates order out of chaos and He rests on the Shabbat. We believe that YHVH Elohim has a body and we are made in the Family in Heaven's image as male and female. We have a body and a spirit –– because He has a body and a spirit.
We view the Scriptures as a historical document. We also recognize Scripture as the final authority to what Truth is. We see original intent and meaning as best as we are able, but due to the fact that we are not fluent nor native Hebrew speakers we are dependent upon translations written by man, when something needs to be unpacked we seek out inspired authorities to help us in our understanding and help us get resolution from the ancient and original manuscripts of the Bible. With this action we ultimately are proclaiming that we reject the authority of man and their translation agendas. Therefore, we and recognize and surrender to the Hebrew Scriptures as final authority in its original language, history, culture and context. We reject the oral law of Judaism and the man-made takanot and ma-aseem of any religious institutions.
We believe that calendar is a critical issue and one that the adversary (ha’satan) is throwing a lot of chaos into thus causing a lot of grief among the Scattered. Whoever controls the calendar has power. We are after YHVH's reckoning. He holds the power, not man. Finding the Calendar is very important because living out Yah's Feast rhythm is where the rubber of repentance hits the road. And if we do not live out this rhythm as He instructs then we will not be walking with Him ... but with man. The Aviv Barley and Sighted Moon method is what YHVH laid out for us in the Torah. The clues that point us to the proper reckoning of time is found in His establishment of the “Month of Aviv” and the command to “observe” the months by sighting the new moon. Our ministry and family keeps and strongly teaches the Aviv Barley and Sighted Moon reckoning of time because it is most in line with what the Torah commands, it does not rely on extra Biblical sources nor man's calculations. The instructions to find His calendar is literally IN the Melchizedek Covenant (Ex. 23:15–”Aviv”). It is simple to follow and it is what history says was kept at the time of Rabbi Ye'shua –– who never challenged the religious leaders about the calendar in use at the time, which according to historians like Josephus was the aviv barley and sighted moon. We reject all Equinox calendar reckonings.
In the Torah at Gen.49:10 and many other places there is an "until clause" that provides for the change our Messiah would enact through His work to this situation. Our family and ministry accepts that a change IN Torah does not equal a change TO Torah. Therefore, we are not saying that He changed Torah, but that Ye'shua enacted a change that was already provided for in Torah and was prophesied would happen. The Scripture testifies that Yehoshua’s work changed something. It nailed something to the cross. That something was the “imposed-due-to-transgressions” Law (see next belief). His work enacted the mandated change from the imposed Levitical Order back to ONLY the Royal and Everlasting Melchizedek Order (this is His light burden). We do NOT teach the Melchzidek priesthood order in the same way that the LDS and New Agers have hijacked it for their own wicked agendas. Recognizing this change is rightly dividing the word of Truth and honors our Messiah’s incredible work! To believe and operate as if we are under Levitical Law (which wearing tzitzits represents) dishonors the Messiah’s incredible work that fixed the situation Israel had gotten herself into.
The work of Yehoshua fulfilled all aspects of the Biblical Spring Feasts as the Sacrificial Lamb to the very day and hour that they had been taking place in the tabernacle and temple rituals set up by YHVH through Moses and King Daveed for 1,000’s of years. Ye'shua will come again and fulfill the Fall Feasts in the same manner (to the very day and hour). In the Fall He will come as the King of Kings and will bring His Father's Melchizedek Administration / Government to Jerusalem to rule the Earth for 1,000 years. We are called to "fulfill" the Feasts by guarding them.
We believe that our Messiah, Yehoshua is Elohim AND man. His mother is Miriam and His Father is YHVH. Thus, since He is fully human and fully divine He alone is capable of fulfilling the role of Messiah. We believe the testimony of Ron Wyatt who found the Ark of the Covenant under Mt. Moriah and who witnessed and took the blood that had anointed the west side of the Ark to be tested by Israeli authorities. We believe their testimony –– that the blood found was LIVE human blood, but that the mother (Miriam) was human, but the Father (YHVH) was not human.
We believe that YHVH gave us the Feast Rhythm to engage us in His topics all year long. The Feasts are His lesson plan. With approx. 70 annual Feasts and Festivals every week, month and year, He guides us all year long with what HE wants us to focus on. The Parashah is a man-made rhythm that we do not teach or keep. Yes, there are some great things to learn in the Parashah from learned people, but to keep it faithfully is to trump Yah’s already established rhythm with a man-made one. First YHVH’s rhythm, then we fill in with man’s teachings, if needed for understanding.
We recognize that the Scriptures speak of 2 different books: The Book of the Covenant (Brit) and the Book of the Law (Torah). And we acknowledge that this is super important in rightly dividing the Word of Truth. We MUST get a firm grip on this distinction in order to understand what is going on and what is expected of us as hopeful citizens of Yah’s forever Kingdom. The Book of the Covenant was the Answer to the Promise Covenant made in Genesis 15. The Book of the Law was IMPOSED because Israel broke the original Covenant given at Mt. Sinai. YHVH added this Book of the Law to the already eternally existing Royal Law of Love (found in the Book of the Covenant) because of transgression (Golden Calf incident). In the place of complete annihilation this extra law was to be temporary until He could send His Son, Yehoshua to fix the situation Israel had gotten herself into. It was imposed due to transgression and was NEVER a covenant. Wearing tzitzits proclaims that we are under the imposed, school-master Law still.
Yehoshua did not come to start a new thing called "Christianity" and do away with the Father’s Royal Covenant. He did not come to replace literal Israel with "spiritual" Israel. He came to teach ALL Israel (especially the Scattered) that they could come back into favor with YHVH through a New Covenant (a SECOND Melchizedek Contract to keeping the Eternal Royal Law of Love) that was forged in His blood. As the Scriptures testify to, He came to speak the same Words His Father spoke from the mountain to Israel in Ex.19-24 in that FIRST Melchizedek Contract that Israel broke. We see the Scriptures saying that Yehoshua came to not bring a brand new thing, but instead to give a “new-in-quality” (like, never before seen) love to those who entered into this New Contract with Him. He came to bring the BETTER AND SUPERIOR contract by which we can keep the Father’s Torah. He did NOT (nor did S'haul) establish a new thing called, Christianity.
The Scripture says that YHVH was pleased to make Yehoshua High Priest and King in His Eternal Melchizedek Priesthood –– a priest not in the order of Aaron, but in a NEW order. After His death and resurrection Ye'shua was made the High Priest of this His Father’s Royal Melchizedek Priesthood. This is the Royal Priesthood that we are all being called into that Peter 1:9 talks about. As the Scripture teaches in Hebrews – a change in Priests equals a change in Law. Since the Levitical Law has been dismantled (nailed to the cross as we see in Colossians, echoing Deut.) now there is only one Priesthood to enter, the Melchizedek Priesthood––not as the Mormons or New Agers teach, but as how the Scriptures teach it. After choosing to follow Ye'shua and partaking in the New Covenant confirmation (drinking His blood, eating of His body and receiving the Ruach ha'Kodesh) we find our job description as His priests and priestesses in this new Order––not as Levitical priests. We discover how we are to live by looking at the original Melchizedek Contract (as in it we find the Royal Law) and we look at the Melchizedek issues prior to Ex. 20. This is an Eternal Priesthood operating under our new High Priest in this Royal Order. We either operate in it or not. It exists with our without us. At the base of Mt. Sinai Israel knew NOTHING about a Levitical priesthood. They were familiar with Melchizedek Priests, but it wasn't until they broke the Royal Melchizeek Covenant they had made that they were introduced to a lesser, inferior and temporary Levitical priesthood and order.
Through Yeshua’s work and the gift of the Ruach ha’Kodesh YHVH has empowered us and provided a WAY for the heart to be healed and for us to keep the better and superior contract (New Covenant) to His Royal Law of Love against which we are judged. We believe that this understanding will help us speak to our Christian friends and family who rightly know that something was done away with at the cross. Understanding the difference between the Levitical (temporary) and Melchizedek (Eternal) Law will help them “divide that Truth” correctly to see what actually was done away with and what REMAINS. We seek to help them understand what the New Covenant is and is not. Entrance into the New Covenant established in Ye'shua's blood and body is ‘circumcision of the heart’ through the power of the Ruach ha'Kodesh. There is no entry into it without it.
The Scriptures tells us that sin is breaking of the Law. Therefore, it begs the question, “what law?” The only law that YHVH gave humans is in the Torah and Christians are breaking it every day! Originally, Adam and Chavah broke this Royal Law of Love when they succumbed to self-preservation at the Tree (original sin). At the moment of Creation there was only 1 Law to keep - the Everlasting Royal Law of Love (YHVH Elohim is LOVE). He spoke and then wrote this Law down in human words for His people Israel. They were called out of the nations to learn His Law and teach it to the world. After Israel sinned and broke the first Contract they had just agreed to 40 days prior they then ALSO had to keep the imposed and heavy Levitical Law for a time (a few thousand years). Now that Ye'shua’s work has changed the Priesthood that temporary Law is gone and Israel is back to just having to keep the original, Eternal Royal Law of Love via a Second Contract through circumcision of the heart to obedience. We find Yah’s Royal Law written out in the first Contract YHVH gave Israel at the base of Mt. Sinai. We acknowledge that some of those laws are repeated and expanded upon in the Levitical Law and that there are Royal Law (Melchizedek) issues that we find prior the written down Royal Law that are part of the Royal Law of Love, too.
We do not advocate wearing the tzitzits as they were given to Israel under the temporary Levitical Law when YHVH was frustrated that Israel couldn’t remember to keep His law. Tzitzit are first introduced in the Levitical law. They are not mentioned in the Melchizedek law. To wear tzitzit now symbolizes that one believes they are still under the school master (aka: Levitical Law). Yes, Ye'shua wore them. That is because He was under the temporary Levitical Law, and under that law they were required. He had to be obedient on every point or He would not have been an eligible sacrifice. That’s why He wore tzitzit. He kept that law perfectly and His work brought about a better way by which to remember to keep Yah's Eternal Law –– not through strings hanging on our garments, but through the superior way of the indwelling of the Ruach ha'Kodesh in our hearts! He said that He had to leave so that the Ruach ha'Kodesh could come. As believers in the work of Yehoshua’s and His gift of the indwelling of His set-apart Spirit we remove our tzitzit during the mikvah to symbolize this beautiful change in our hearts and in the Law.
The circumstances and conditions that forced YHVH to prescribe the wearing of tzitzit is what the gift of the Ruach ha'Kodesh was intended to remedy. In our view, wearing the tzitzit is a rejection of and unacknowlegement of the work of the Ruach ha’Kodesh (the unpardonable sin). That’s why we give such a strong warning against tzitzit.
We believe that the Scriptures testify to the Earth being a young Earth, made in a literal 7-24 hour day period of time. We believe the Scriptures testify the Earth is a sphere and is not trying to teach that he Earth is flat. There are 24 eye-witnesses to the fact that the Earth is a sphere. Plus, there are plenty of genuine pictures from people and instruments that have traveled into space. Plus, there are all the people who have jobs that depend upon the world being spherical and all the technology that fully depnds upon the world being spherical (like GPS etc). We reject all Flat Earth nonsense that seems to be a thing the Messianic movement.
We reject replacement theology and believe that botth eht Tanak and the Brit ha'Dasah in the Scriptures speak of literal Israel and that there is no such thing as “spiritual Israel" like the Christians have invented. There are 2 houses of Israel–Ephraim and Judah. We recognize that the Scattered are still scattered all over the World and they are known as Ephraim or Israel. The 2 Houses of Israel (Judah and Ephraim) are currently separate, but will be united as one in the future under King Yehoshua. We, ourselves identify as being part of literal Israel, part of the Scattered 10 tribes of whom YHVH has woken up and brought back to Him.
The Scriptures makes it very clear that there is a formula to life that YHVH established at Creation. Body + Breath = Soul / Spirit. If there is no body then that formula is broken and that person is not living in any realm and can not praise YHVH or do anything, as the Scritpures declares. Ye'shua taught that we go to sleep when we die to AWAIT the Resurrection. We do NOT die into immortality. The Scriptures teach that we raise to Eternal LIfe / immortality or complete annilation / hell from YHVH at the Resurrection. Ye'shua taught that we do not get our reward at death, but at the Resurrection. Our family and ministry does NOT propagate the lie that we "go to heaven when we die."
The Scriptures does not teach that there is a secret rapture and an imminent return. We reject these teachings and do not follow anyone that teaches these errors.I n fact, Ye'shua said to not follow anyone who teaches an imminent (that He can return at any time) return. The return will be at the Appointed Time -- on some future Yom Teruah. His coming will fulfill that Feast.
We believe that the Scriptures need to be looked at as a seamless Story. We were born into this Epic Story already underway. The Scriptures is one continuous story about our Creator (the Family in Heaven) and Their desire to Create and the resulting epic battle against the Adversary, ha'Satan who tried to steal Their joy. We wholeheartedly believe that the Brit ha’dasah (the New Testament) is a continuation of the Tanak. The "Father God" of the Old Testament is the same "Father God" of the New Testament. Ye'shua did not commit treason and usurp His Father and become our new "God." Instead, Ye'shua always pointed us to YHVH, the Father, not to Himself. Any issue you have with the 'God of the Old Testament' (YHVH) can be resolved if you are willing to wrestle with Him and not write Him off to go in search of another "God" because you don't like His behavior prior to Matthew. We here at TM recognize that He is Elohim and righteous in ALL He does. It is not up to us humans to decide what the right actions of our "God" should entail nor to judge Him against our expectations and standards. He is Elohim and you and I are not. Our job is to wrestle with Him and get to know why our Elohim chose to act as He did –– knowing that ALL His actions are righteous. In this wrestling we will get to know Him and His ways.
Unity in error is not unity in the Messiah; therefore we do not sacrifice Truth to be in community. We believe that the Scriptures makes it clear that we are not to be united with unbelievers and people who teach error. Unity means being one with Elohim. It is not about compromising our convictions in order to get along with other people. Our first obligation is to Elohim – not to men.
The Scriptures make it clear that Yehovah Elohim is a ‘God at War.’ There are two Kingdoms and they are built on authority. The Scriptures teach that there is an epic battle raging between Good and Evil. This belief is crucial to understanding what Yehovah is up to, where Evil comes from and how to be empowered to fight against and resist it. We do not accept the erroneous belief that YHVH created Evil. Evil chose to exist due to the true freewill that YHVH extends to ALL His Creation. Our family and ministry sees the Epic Story we live in through the lens of War and true, unadulterated and literal freewill granted by YHVH who knows that true LOVE can not exists without true freewill.
We will not allow man-made Rabbinics (religious or denominational law and doctrine) to infiltrate our structure. We seek to be leaven free as the Scriptures commands.
Guarding ALL His Shabbats (the weekly 7th day Sabbath and the 7 annual High Shabbats) is the sign between Israel and YHVH Elohim that we are in Covenant with Him. We believe that the weekly rhythm of week days have not changed over the course of history and that Day number 7 is Saturday (though man has tried to change this at different points along the way, it haas never stuck globally. Most of the time when man tried to change the days the change referred to dates, but not to the days of the week). We believe that the New Moons do NOT start a new week; nor are they a Shabbat. The Scripture commands us to keep the Feasts (the High Shabbats) and we believe this is crucial to honoring our Messiah, being set apart, bearing the fruit of full surrender and repentance (teshuvah), being a watchman on the wall and pointing Israel to her King.
The Scriptures makes it clear that we must become perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect. "Perfect" not according to our own definition, but according to YHVH's definition in His Law and as seen lived out in the life of Ye'shua, His Son. "Perfect" is to be complete our teshuvah and it is to be set apart as Yah is set apart. The Scriptures teaches us that we must eat of Yehoshua to become like Him, the perfect and unleavened One. To operate with His holiness IN us is LITERAL relief and is where complete freedom from struggling with sin is found. Within the Feast of Unleavened Bread is where we discover the mystery of the Gospel –– Ye'shua IN us.
Tithe is Yah’s savings plan for us to celebrate His Feasts and assist the poor, orphans and widows in Israel to be able to do the same. Tithing is a Melchizedek Issue as we see that Abraham tithed the Melchizedek priest prior the Covenant at Mt. Sinai and so it remains. Later on, in the Torah it tells us what YHVH wants us to do with our tithe money. We are to spend it on celebrating His Mo’edim and every 3rd year we are to use it to care of the poor, orphans and widows. In Micah, YHVH tells Scattered Israel that the first they will do when they return to Him is stop robbing Him! We will not keep our tithes and offering to ourselves anymore. Neither will we give HIS money away to other gods and false teachers and religions anymore. A fruit of our repentance is seen in changing what we do with our tithe money.
In the Creation story we see the roles of the ezer kenegdo (women) and the zakar (Adam / the man). The entire Story must be looked at through this primary understanding of Original Design and how they were meant to work together. Understanding His design for man and woman we can see what went wrong and then how to live in repentance as a man or a woman. Through Yah’s original intent for His marriage design we can know what we are to be doing as the female and as the male and embrace being restored to His Original Design.
The "ezer kenegdo" meaning a beautiful lifesaver who goes infront of the man to guide him into proper worship. The "zakar" meaning the one who remembers what YHVH said in order to obey.
The Scriptures teach that the woman's original design as an ezer kenegdo was to guide their man toward YHVH and into proper worship of Him. The Scriptures does NOT teach that men are superior to women and that women should be suppresssed. The Scriptures testify that women are strong (Prov 31) warriors and are also called to lead, prophecy and teach just like men are. When unpacked, S’haul’s teaching on submission and whose "head" is over who is not what we have been told it is. In his very controversial teachings, "head" means "source" not "authority." Just like Adam came from dust, woman came from man. He is her source. YHVH cursed the source of man (the dust / dirt) to work against him. And He prophecied that IF she "teshuvahed" (turned) toward her husband instead of following YHVH then he / Adam would rule over her. Her "source" would be against her. Which happened. We can clearly see that S'haul, who knew well Yah's Original Design bestowed at Creation, was not advocating for the suppression of women, but for the protection and value of women. But It was the Christian "fathers" who hated women and twisted S'haul's words to fit their "supression-of-women" agendas which has harmed women for millenia.
If in doubt about what any of the Brit ha’Dashah (New Testament) writers say or if what they say seems to clash with what YHVH or Ye'shua said, then we default to what our Elohim said. YHVH or Ye'shua's words trump any other writer –– even in the Scriptures.
We believe that YHVH Elohim wants to woo our hearts and romance us into relationship with Him. We believe that He has proven through the work of Yehoshua that Love is stronger than Fear. And love is what He is and what He is after. There can be no love without another. Love by definition is other-centered. Yehoshua’s work restores the heart and restores us to the Father. The point of da’at (data, facts) is to move the heart into ye’da (intmacy). We believe the Scriptures requires us to turn Head Knowledge into Heart Knowledge. Which, right now in Israel we have a lot of talking heads, but not a lot of teahcers showing HOW to actually DO this walk from the heart. This is what we seek to do.
The Scriptures teach that marriage is defined as one man and one woman. This is the Original Design. Polygamy (and all forms of this) is sin, as is homosexuality and all other forms of twisted relations. Yes, there were patriarchs in the Scriptures that had more than one wife, but just because they did it doesn't mean that it was or is right. To live against the Original Design always brings heartache and death. It was never a good thing! It ALWAYS made life miserable for all involved. A man (a zakar) only needs one ezer kenegdo (guide). To have more than one ezer in a home brings in confusion, jelousy and is not only sin, but a recipe for disaster. King Solomon lost the kingdom because of this sin. WE DO NOT support the logic that men can and should have more than one wife to care for the widows in Israel. There are other ways to care for them.
We see the Scriptures definition of grace is that a Way has been made by which we can walk to be saved. We reject taught sloppy grace of the Christian mentality. The Hebrew word for grace means an encampment. Basically, grace is YHVH's Law. If you are INSIDE His Law you are safe (grace). IF you are on the OUTSIDE of His Law then you are not safe. Period. That said, Mercy is another thing altogether. We believe The Gospel of the Kingdom is not that we are now given sloppy grace in order so that we might keep sinning, like Christian’s believe, but instead that YHVH has gone to impossible lengths to provide a way for us to be saved–legally. At the heart of the Gospel is to relate to humanity the heart of (character of our YHVH Elohim). Also, Yehoshua said that we must tell Miriam of Magdala’s story every time the gospel is told. We will be trying to do this.
Though we hold strong convictions and are uncompromising in many beliefs... we don’t believe we know it all. There is always room to understand the Story and Yah’s heart better. So we don’t know everything. We may add to or amend these beliefs later.
We believe that the call on our lives is to repent (teshuvah) and come out of Babylon to turn toward YHVH Elohim. We believe that the Scriptures make it very clear that Babylon, yes is probably an actual location, but also that it is all man-made religions and systems that ignore Him and serve other gods (or ourselves). The call of the entire Scriptures is a call to Biblical repentance (teshuvah). Repentance is changing what you are doing. It is turning 180 degrees (completely away) from all forms of paganism and false religion toward YHVH and then0actually doing what he asked us to do. Turning from idolatry (Israel’s pet sin) is where the fruit of our walk is most seen.
We hold to the Partly Open View: As in the Scriptures support the view that Yehovah knows some things as settled and some things as not. Studying in Yah’s foreknowledge is super imp as it affects how your heart understands Him -- or not. Some things in the future are facts and some things are merely possibilities. This belief is necessary for true freedom of choice to exist. With this understanding we do not blame Elohim for all the Evil in the world. We also do not believe that "everything happens for a reason" because in light of this view that would take away freewill and offer the belief that every choice we make is pre-destined. There is more at play here than "just me and God." But of course, we do believe that He can make all things work together for good.
Ye'shua will reign here, on Earth for 1,000 years before YHVH comes to bring the New Jerusalem and Paradise is restored. During His reign He will put all His enemies under His feet (as in crush them) starting with throwing ha'Satan into the pit. We believe that He started His reign in the year 6,000 F.C. by taking on the role as King in the Heavenlies––preparing for when He will come back. He holds Earth's title deed in His hand as is now removing the seals ha'Satan has put on it in order to control Yah's Creation (which is why the world is in the state it is here in 2022). At the start of His Millennial reign He will take His Bride to Heaven to fulfill the Fall Feasts and then return to Earth with His Bride to do what Adam and Chavah didn't do the first time: the Second Adam and His Bride, true Israel will expand the Garden, fill the Earth and guard it from Evil.
We believe that YHVH Elohim is a transactional God and that there are conditions to His protection and salvation. We believe that the term "unconditional love" is not Scripturally accurate to describe the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob –– nor is it an accurate phrase to describe our Rabbi Ye'shua ha'Mashiach, who placed conditions on his love toward us, like His Father did. In fact, you can do your study to find out when that phrase was actually coined -- it's no where in the Hebrew Bible.
There has always been an open door into Israel. Many Egyptians joined themselves to the Hebrews of the Exodus. One could also sojourn with a tribe and become as one natural born. We are sojourning with Ye'shua (a Judahite) therefore we are true Jews. The ‘seed' of Abraham was deliberately spread among the nations in order to reap a great harvest at the end. We have no problem with someone claiming to be an Israelite, we do that ourselves. The only evidence we really need to know it is the simple fact that we have responded to the call to ‘come out.’ We wouldn’t have received the call nor responded properly to it if we were not Israelites. What we would have a problem with is someone who is trying to define someone else as NOT an Israelite because of where they are from.
These are the core values that we came up with when our community was developing our local fellowship called The Kingdom Place in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. When the non-pandemic hit in 2020 we were kicked out of the location that we had rented and were in contract with. Someday....
We seek Biblical TRUTH and recognize and surrender to the HEBREW Scriptures as THE authority (in its original language, history, culture and context) rejecting the authority of Man’s translations of the Bible. We recognize that “faith without works is dead;” therefore we seek the TRUTH in context of ACTION (see next value). If in doubt, Ye'shua’s and YHVH’s Words trump all other Brit ha’Dashah writers. We teach and promote living a life of repentance along with a growing awareness of YHVH’s Epic Story and the path to the Happily-Ever-After as revealed through the Scriptures.
These are basically are our CORE BELIEFS and are stated above.
We seek to learn of and actively proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (which Ye'shua said to do, which at its core is a revealing of who YHVH is and His character). We seek to literally obey the Prophet Moses spoke of (Ye'shua ha’Mashiach) with the gift of the indwelling of the Ruach ha’Kodesh. We seek to grow in our ability to not just talk about, but walk out obedience personally and corporately – moving head knowledge into heart knowledge. We seek to not just teach towards or put on display, but actively LIVE in the weekly, monthly and annual Biblical Feast rhythm as a community in a way that honors Ye'shua and gives the Ruach ha’Kodesh an environment to work on the hearts gathered.
We seek to be a healthy community temple made up of living stones for YHVH’s Ruach ha’Kodesh to operate in a way that invites Her to be among us to work. We seek to understand the role of the Ruach ha’Kodesh and how to identify Her work in us properly (manifestation) and reject all misconceptions of “Spirit and Truth” such as the demonic practice of speaking in tongues that is simply gibberish and can not be understood by anyone present.
We seek to know and honor YHVH, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as our Creator and Elohim. We seek to obey Ye'shua (YHVH’S Son) and honor Him as our only Rabbi and Master. We seek to not blaspheme the Ruach ha’Kodesh, but learn of and honor Her as our Ezer (Helper). We seek to honor Israel / Ye'shua’s Bride (Ephraim and Judah) by making the Narrow Path level so they can find and walk it.
We have absolutely no tolerance of Rabbinics, Paganism, New Ageism, Evolution and any mixture. We seek to be a True Light in the darkness and dark light around us.
We do not promote tolerance of sin, but seek to be known by the new-in-quality, other-centered love given by Ye'shua (proving we are His priests). We seek to give more we than take from our members and guests.
We are quick to point out and celebrate alignment success among our members. This is called looking for alignment successes (a form of edification of each other).
We desire to be known by our manners (a form of caring for others). Therefore we seek to be courteous to the Program by listening and controlling our children. We are also courteous to the Presenters by being attentive and not walking out on them mid-sentance. We are quick to continue in efforts at perfecting our social manners.
We seek to emphasize the condition of our heart’s soil in connection with bearing good fruit personally and as a community. We seek to teach and live in a manner that guards the heart which is central to life that produces good fruit.
We seek to have a learning mindset where we are open to hearing new ideas and willing to listen to another as they are called on to unpack a Truth.
We value people’s freedom. Therefore, we seek to give guests freedom to accept or not accept Truth and we seek to be a place where people feel free to come and go as the Ruach ha’Kodesh directs.
We seek justice and accountability by observing “fruits” and then will handle issues amongst us according to the Scriptural protocol the best we can.
We seek to make disciples (priests and priestesses) for Rabbi Ye'shua through our programs and services. We seek to teach and apply knowledge and walk it out in heart knowledge
We seek to be a community of Israelites who do not stay in a mindset of “sinner,” but who are interested in growing up into all we were created to be as Image bearers and oneness with YHVH Elohim through Ye'shua ha’Mashiach and the indwelling of the Ruach ha’Kodesh.
We seek to be a place where people know their opinon matters (through private surveys, public votes, formal testimony times), not through outbursts. We seek to provide programs and opportunities that help people develop their own voice without it turning into a free-for-all.
We seek to have respect for each other and our different journeys. We seek to give each other space and privacy.
We seek to be a healthy community of believers in body, mine and spirit. We seek to be a “No Fear” community (not a “prepping” community). We seek to be quick to strengthen and serve each other with kindness and encouragement, but be respectful to give help and prayer, only if it is requested. We seek to be patient with each other as we each are on a journey into truth and remember that we once were blind, therefore we never dump the Truth on someone.
We seek to be a place with programs and events that meet the social and learning needs of our youth of all ages and connect them. We seek to give our children, teens and young adults a place to make life-long connections.
We seek to be a place for adults, youth and families to come together for relationship building. We seek to be a place to grow in and experience true friendship and feel loved and fought for. We desire to help people grow together slow over time through providing activities and working together oppourtunities that will allow for the natural course of making healthy friendships.
We seek to be a place that is positive, happy and where people want to be. We seek to be a “not-so-serious-all-the-time” community of believers in Ye'shua. But that said, we are not all about play and high energy activity. Our activities are fun, but have meaning. We seek a child-like culture as Ye'shua spoke about.
We seek to be a place where people can find resources (we’ll refer if we can’t help). We will not pretend to have or offer resources if we don’t have them.
We seek to help women know and live in what they were designed for by cherishing and valuing them as ezer kenegdos (guiding their men into proper worship with their beauty). We seek to help men know and live in what they were designed for and acknowledging and valuing them as zakars (protecting their ezers with remembering what Yah said in order to obey and through his strength). We recognize that both men and women are called by Yah to lead and teach in Israel.
We seek to give YHVH our Elohim our very best and put forth excellence in all we do. We seek to have a high quality children and youth Shabbat program available. We seek to have a fun and meaningful Shabbat for all ages. We seek to have the best quality, Biblically kosher and non-GMO food on Shabbat in the area. We see to have quality Bible studies for our members that aim at unpacking The Narrow Path. Our programs are never free-for-alls. We want our members to be excited about inviting their friends and family to our services, events and programs because of the level of excellence in community and programs we offer.
We seek to have a variety of opportunities for members of all ages to offer their gifts, talents and feel ownership of the Kingdom Place, CDA. We seek to provide that THING that people are missing: Corporate worship that is available every week; Youth programs; a place to gather; eat and get spiritually fed; Feast events that are meaningful and fun.
We will seek to expand our own assembly throughout the Inland Northwest first and then we will spread the Kingdom Place, CDA template worldwide to find Scattered Israel and make a global community. We seek to have inviting services for the Scattered to leave denominations and man-made religions and discover the Truth and grow our community of believers in The Narrow Path.
We seek to invest our time, creativity and resources into making The Kingdom Place thrive. We value member input and want members to know they have a say in how things are run according to how much they have invested in The Kingdom Place. We seek to share the bills equally or at least support it as each has been blessed by Yah.
We value earning the “right to the mic” (investing time into being known and developing trust before being allowed to teach and lead or “give a WORD.”)
We seek to live in community in a healthy way and developing a community of Israelites that feels like “family.”
We recognize that there are 2 blood covenants humans make. One is with YHVH and one with our spouse. These 2 covenants are super important to how our community ticks.
We seek to provide one level of DNA protection by making sure that the food that we bring to our shared meals is GMO-FREE (organic) and that our fellowship is made up of pure bloods (no vaccinated people will knowingly be allowed to join).
We recognize that the Scattered 10 tribes are part of Israel. We see that there are 2 houses of Israel–Ephraim and Judah, and we seek to call both to repentance and unity in the Messiah. We identify as being part of literal Israel (part of the Scattered Ephraim) of whom YHVH has woken up and brought back to Him. We embrace this heritage and seek to meet our brother Judah in beliefs and traditions where we can (where they don’t break Yah’s Law), but we also recognize that Israel is way more than just the 2 tribes that make up the Jews. We do not have to become Jewish in order to be part of literal Israel.
We seek to keep the Royal Law of Love found written down in Ex.19-24, with the indwelling of the Ruach ha'Kodesh who moves our hearts into obedience through the New Contract (Covenant). Ye'shua our Messiah expounded upon this Royal Law.
As the world is at War we value wearing the armor of Yah He has provided. Belt of Truth. Breastplate of Righteousness. Shoes of the Gospel of Shalom. Shield of Faith. Helmet of Salvation. Sword of the Spirit (Word of Yah).
We value gaining freedom through restoration and we know that restoration comes through holiness which comes from eating of Ye'shua. We are big into this. We seek to gain freedom of wholeness through holiness (by eating of the Bread of Life).
We seek to be a gathering place that is uplifting and positive.
We desire to have a humble and servant attitude toward each other and all of Israel. We wish to serve like our Master, Ye'shua did and taught us to do.
We recognize that this Narrow Path journey is hard and requires endurance. We value staying the course and obeying at all costs with endurance and helping each other stay on the course.
We recognize that there is only one Priesthood to operate in now. The Melchizedek Priesthood of which Ye'shua is now the High Priest over. He is currently gathering His Royal Priesthood of which we desire to be part of.
We LOVE the Feast rhythm and LIVE in it all year long. We value providing events and opportunities for our community to partake in YHVH’s amazing Feasts and Festivals.We get the structure for our meeting topics from the Feast Rhythm.
We value making solutions instead of making chaos. When problems arise we are quick to find solutions and put out fires quickly.
We FEAR YHVH. We do not fear man. We value having a place that is free of fear of man, but full of the correct kind of FEAR of YHVH. We seek to help people understand the heart and character of YHVH (just like Ye'shua did) in order that they have a firm grip on how to respect and honor our Creator from a good place of holy fear – not dread.
We value communicating well and not causing more chaos. We seek to clear the Narrow Path and make it as level as possible for people to walk. We work hard as a community to clearly communicate the Narrow Path as well as all our other interactions.
We know that without the heart nothing is possible, but with it everything is possible. We value the heart for from it is where all life springs from and it’s where the Ruach ha’Kodesh wants to live. Through the work of YHVH the heart can become good soil from which life springs. We seek to care for the heart for from it flows life and obedience.
We value each other’s journey and each one’s personal struggle to get to this point. We know that we each are still on our own individual journey’s -- experiencing this same Narrow Path through different and unique eyes.
The mission of Teshuvah Ministries is to walk in step with Rabbi Yahshua and promote a simple understanding of .....
Teshuvah Ministries was established by Isaac and Rebekah Garvin in 2012 with the overarching goal of promoting the heart of ...
12 Things that make us a VERY unique ministry...After a long journey we have become familiar with traveling the narrow path ...
Teshuvah Ministries PMB 173 2900 Government Way; Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
Please consider supporting this ministry so that we are able to keep this TM Website, the Melchizedek Priesthood website, our Kingdom University and the Ladies of Teshuvah group running. Thank you!