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Just like me and my family, you ARE Israel. You are part of the Scattered 10 tribes! No apologies needed. Many Christians are ‘feeling moved toward Jewish things’ because they are actually part of the Scattered 10 tribes! Whether by blood or choice it doesn’t matter. They are moved toward the Land and the Jews not only because they care about the Jews (brother Judah), but because they ARE Israel themselves!
Why can’t this be spoken? Why is this distinction not being made during from the places of influence?
Judah and the Scattered 10 Tribes are family! They are the 2 sticks of Ez. 37:15-28. You, Joshua and Luke are part of the stick of Ephraim and the 2 Jewish men in your round table in this video are part of the stick of Judah! Both in Yah’s hand to do His will! Hosea 1:11 says that Judah and Israel will come together….” That is what you did in this talk! In this roundtable YHVH had 2 warriors representing Judah and 2 warriors representing Israel/Ephraim! There are 2 houses of Israel–Ephraim and Judah. We recognize that the Scattered are still scattered all over the World and they are known as Ephraim or Israel. The 2 Houses of Israel (Judah and Ephraim) are currently separate, but will be united as one in the future under King Ye’shua. You both are part of literal Israel, part of the Scattered 10 tribes of whom YHVH has woken up and brought back to Him. There has always been an open door into Israel. Yes, many Egyptians joined themselves to the Hebrews of the Exodus, but that said it was all 12 TRIBES who came out of Egypt — NOT just the tribe of Judah (or the Jews). Let it also be noted that the Torah allows that one could sojourn with a tribe and become as one natural born (Ez.47:21-23 and Ex. 12:48). If one sojourns with Ye'shua (from the line of Judah) then they become Jews. Because of their sin, the ‘seed' of Abraham was deliberately spread among the nations in order to be the ‘salt of the Earth’ and preserve it from YHVH’s wrath until the End when He would glean a great harvest. If one responds to YHVH’s call to teshuvah back to Him (repent and obey) through the blood of Ye’shua then they are from His ‘other’ sheepfold. Whether you, Joshua and Luke have responded appropriately to the call to come out through full repentance or not — is between you and YHVH. I pray it is so and that you have returned to keep the demands of His covenant (Ex. 20-24:11) through the New Contract Ye’shua made available. If this is the case, then you are not Christians anymore, but Hebrews (ones who have crossed over from pagan Christianity to the Ancient Path of YHVH). You are part of the Northern Kingdom of Scattered Israel who believe in Ye’shua ha’Mashiach! The 4 of you at the table are BROTHERS! :-) The goal is to respond appropriately to the call to repent and return to YHVH. Christians would have to give up their pork, their Sunday worship and their other pagan holiday worship (Christmas and Easter) and return to the Eternal Law of YHVH (which includes kosher, Yah’s Shabbats and His Holy days, found in the Melchizedek covenant of Ex. 20-24:11). With the work of Ye’shua, eating of him and the gift of the Ruach ha’Kodesh living in us this is possible! Being born again through the womb of the Ruach ha’kodesh (that Ye’shua talked to Nicodemus about) and being MOVED to keep His laws (Ez. 36:27) makes the army of ‘dry bones’ of Ezekiel come to life again. The Scattered are waking up. Yehovah is calling us (His Scattered) to come out of the nations back to Him. Again, I’m not talking about the Jews or the Southern Kingdom (the tribe of Judah). They have mostly already returned and come home. I’m talking about the Northern Kingdom whom HE scattered into the nations who He said would FORGET who they were and who He was. Yehovah said, “…. I will plant her for myself in the land … I will say to those called ‘Not my people,’ ‘You are my people’ and they will say, ‘You are my Elohim.’ For the most part, the Jews haven’t forgotten who they are and they can be counted. But Hosea 1:10 says, “Yet the ISRAELITES will be like the sand on the seashore, which cannot be measured or counted. In the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ they will be called, ‘children of the living Elohim.’ It’s the other 10 tribes (Israel) that have forgotten who they are, who their Elohim is and who are un-countable! It totally feels like ‘we are not His people’ as the world and Christian organizations serving Judah like you are do not make this distinction in your commentaries. You are completely forgetting that the Scattered are still scattered, but we want to come home! I really wish that you and other ministries would acknowledge that those who are returning to seek YHVH and who want to return to the land from the nations are part of the lost 10 tribes! Brother Judah won’t allow us home unless we convert to Judaism and deny the Messiah, the Son of YHVH. And Christians, with their sloppy grace ask us to deny YHVH, the Father and rebuke us for repenting and returning to Yah’s Law. So we still are not a people. As leaders we must make this distinction for the hearts of those languishing in exile still! Nevertheless the Scattered are waking up and realizing who they are and who their Elohim is and we are on our knees before our King begging for deliverance from feeling like we are still lo-ammi (not His people). Of course, the prophecy is that YHVH will call us His people once again nd bring us home — the Greater Exodus out of the nations where He scattered us will happen according to His plan. We believe that the Northern House of Israel (the Scattered) are mostly among Christianity! These Scattered are the tribes who will return and who will make up the Greater Exodus to come. I am Israel. And so are you, Joshua and Luke. Yehovah Elohim, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob give you the courage to recognize who you are in relationship to Him and brother Judah, whom you love.
Teshuvah Ministries PMB 173 2900 Government Way; Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
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