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Scan the QR code or click one of the links below.Your monthly support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions.Your generous donation will fund TM's mission.
PayPal Donate Link (It will say "Teshuvah Ministries")
Cash App. Link (It will say "Teshuvah Ministries" and "HippyHebrewGirl")
Scan the QR code or click the link below to support the women in Rebekah's Ladies of Tesuvah Group. Your support will be distributed by the MODS to the women through our Ladies Purim Fund and the Feast Newsletter. What is Ladies of Teshuvah all about?
PayPal Donate Link (It will say "Hadassah Garvin")
Did you know that S'haul (Paul) expected those who benefited from his ministry to support him financially / materially? Did you know that YHVH is not concerned with the ox, but His workers when He commanded in the Torah, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain!”?
1 Timothy 5:18 says, "...'“Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain' and 'The worker deserves his wages.'” (quoting from Deut 25:4 … plus, 1 Cor 9:7-9, 14; Matt 10:10; Luke 10:7; 2 Tim 2:6; Lev 19:13; James 5:4; Rom 4:4; Gal 6:6; Rom 15:25-27; Acts 20:13; James 2:15-16; 1 John 3:17-18.)
“One gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds what is right, only to become poor. A generous soul will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:24-25
TM is one of these ministries that continues to feed you, your family and countless others.
Over the years our family has given our lives over to build Teshuvah Ministries for the sake of Yah's Kingdom. We have been willing and happy to serve His Scattered since 2012. We have never made money. We have only barely paid the bills (just ask our accountant). Over the years we have been ridiculously attacked by so-called believers for asking for support –– which has been super hard on our hearts and we have continued producing on through the pain.
But no matter how much people want to believe that money shouldn't play a role in ministry –– it does. Just look at what S'haul says about his situation of trying to get support for his ministry:
"Are you yourselves not my workmanship in YHVH? Even if I am not an apostle to others, surely I am to you. For you are the seal of my apostleship in YHVH.
This is my defense to those who scrutinize me: Have we no right to food and to drink? Have we no right to take along a believing wife, as do the other apostles and Ye'shua’s brothers and Cephas? Or are Barnabas and I the only apostles who must work for a living?
Who serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Who tends a flock and does not drink of its milk?
Do I say this from a human perspective? Doesn’t the Law say the same thing? For it is written in the Law of Moses: “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.” Is it about oxen that Elohim is concerned? Isn’t He actually speaking on our behalf? Indeed, this was written for us, because when the plowman plows and the thresher threshes, they should also expect to share in the harvest.
If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much for us to reap a material harvest from you? If others have this right to your support, shouldn’t we have it all the more? But we did not exercise this right. Instead, we put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Messiah.
Do you not know that those who work in the temple eat of its food, and those who serve at the altar partake of its offerings? In the same way, YHVH has prescribed that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel."
1 Cor. 9:1-13
If you have ever benefited from our ministry (Teshuvah Ministries) then we are asking you to listen closely and click on one of the green buttons to help us. This little family has been "treading out the grain" in our dedication to serve YHVH's Kingdom and we have been "putting up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Messiah" for approx. 10 years (though we actually started in 2003). Though a few have given to our cause, I feel that we have been "muzzled like an ox while it is treading out the grain." Isn't that wrong according to the Torah and confirmed by S'haul?
Our work is wanted among the body of Messiah (as is seen by the stats below), many benefit from our labor –– but very few have been willing to consistently and freely help us thrive so that we could continue to work. They watch our videos, read our articles, share our posts, join our events, ask us questions that take us hours to answer and benefit from our products in their homes, but then many have turn to scold us for asking for financial help and for not having full time jobs on the side. But people don't understand that TM HAS BEEN OVER FULL-TIME WORK!
Look at the lifetime stats from our the fruit of our labor for the King as of July 2022:
Our YouTube Channel
We have created and released approx. 789 videos, shorts and lives which are STILL reaching people and they are STILL eating and gleaning. Right now as I write this, 200 people in the last 48 hours have been to our channel watching our content. There are 8 people this very moment who are watching videos.
– Subscribers: 10,339
– Views: 835,176
– Watch hours: 77,100
– Impressions: 7,690,784
Our Rumble Channel
All our videos are also on Rumble now reaching a new audience.
Our DVD's
All of our YouTube videos were painstakingly put onto DVDS a few years ago. Many have been purchased. We are deleting our DVDS from our system because we can't afford to keep them available. but those that are out there will continue to bless homes for years to come!
– 53 DVDS
Our Kingdom University
We have painstakingly created and published college-level courses that people are STILL using and eating from. We have given away many scholarships to women students.
– 5 Courses
– 118 Students
Our TM Bookstore
We have published over 50 books that are available in our online bookstore (housed on Lulu) and these books CONTINUE to have an impact on people's lives.
– 4,463 books sold lifetime
Our TM Websites:
We have developed 3 intense and rich websites that are STILL working for the Kingdom of Yah! With over 1,500 views a month!
Inquiry Support
We are never too busy to talk to even strangers on the phone in order to get to know them and encourage them in their journey of repentance and understanding of the Royal Priesthood. We spend countless hours answering questions that come through our email, website and YouTube Channel comments. We have (and have had) volunteers help us with these over the years, as we believe that this kind of "one-on-one" support is crucial to operating in love to each individual who passes through our door.
Our HappyHebrewGirl Etsy Store:
Crazy enough -- our new Etsy store is reaching a new audience. I have customers who are exclaiming that they are brand new to this walk and are thankful for products that will help them in their new beliefs. Since opening in January 2022 we have had....
– Store views: 5,427
– Store visits: 2,442
– Orders: 50
Our Instagram (Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.)
I am completely off of Facebook, both personally and the ministry. But the ministry STILL has a presence on Instagram and is REGULARLY having new people subscribe and we are trying to post encouragement at least once a week.
– Followers: 581
Ladies of Teshuvah Group and Prayer Room
Founded by Rebekah in 2017 there have been over 1,000 women who have come and gone throughout the years. This group and the Prayer group meets in an app on our phone (GroupSpot). Though both groups are closed currently, we have established a steady and beautiful group of about 50 ladies across the world who are united in heart about repentance and who are loving the Melchizedek Priesthood understanding. They are excited to come back together for fellowship in April 2023. Maintaining the group has been a HUGE part of Rebekah's ministry to women and has taken countless hours to manage. Not only does Rebekah keep a watchful eye on the group daily, but she trains up 4 new women every 6 months to take on a rotating leadership role in the group. She also conducts Feast Challenges in the group and has lots of "give-aways" at Feast time. Her and her MODS produce a full color printed "monthly" newsletter that goes out to about 100 ladies across the world, they have created a Ladies Fund from which to draw from to help the poor and needy women in the group and they also provide a weekly Shabbat online service for ALL the ladies to join up and be known and valued.
Each family member has a blog (with over 8,000 views total) where we share our hearts. These blogs are STILL feeding people.
– Isaac's Blog
– Rebekah's Blog
– Maggie's Blog
– Hadassah's Blog
Local Fellowship
Over the years we have tried so many different things to rally the locals to fellowship together at Feast time. We have created over 250 beautiful Feast events––most of them free for the public. We have spent a ton of time developing and executing Sukkot Campmeetings for the Royal Priesthood and will continue to do so as we have support and interest. Sukkot 2023. In 2019 we developed "The Kingdom Place, CDA" (a regular Shabbat in-person gathering) but were shut down in the Spring of 2020 with all the C-nonsense; We worked hard establishing The Hebrew Roots Club at Boise State University and have offered local Youth Summer Camps. Recently, we have begun to officiate Melchizedek-minded weddings.
We have been nothing short of busy for the Kingdom of Yah. But we are far from being able to pay our monthly bills let alone have any forward movement like affording eyesight care for Rebekah, chiropractic care and a new computer drive (as TM's main computer failed a few weeks ago). Currently, we are losing sponsors instead of gaining them. So we are forced to begin selling things we own to get caught up, but we actually don't have enough valuable resources to get caught up. We desperately need your help.... QUICKLY. Would you please be willing to give a generous donation today to TM? Has YHVH blessed you? Can you share HIS blessing to you with us?
Praise YHVH that you can buy books and support ministries that help you have new eyes to see!
How many years did you pay your tithes and offerings to a man-made religious system? If you came from the SDA church (which I did, too) you spent LOTS of money and time supporting their causes from missions to buildings and youth programs to teachers salaries. You must have seen the value in giving so that the church could continue operating. But what actually did you gain? A path to hell.
And on this side of your freedom from the SDA cult don't take issue with having to purchase access to our KU Vault in order to read an articles that took us weeks and sometimes months to write, edit and pray over! Our family has sacrificed everything for ministry and we are one of MANY workers who YE’SHUA called to this life and who said we were “worthy of our wages” in order to pay our bills.
Learning from, but not supporting the people you are finding The Ancient Path from will not go well when you stand before the King! If the Issue was that you can not afford something that we are 'selling' then contact us and I will gladly give you access for free.
Our family is one of MANY ministries who have loved others by “going to them, and helping them do all that He (Ye’shua) commanded us to do.” Matt 28:16 (in the original Hebrew). Have you left every thing and done this all while trying to pay your bills at the same time? Probably not. Perhaps you’ll be called to do this in the future and then we’ll see how working for nothing and hearing the complaints of Israel 24/7 works for you.
We have been moved by the Ruach Ha’Kodesh to do this in many different ways till our hearts and bodies hurt for 20+ years, but always with the heart of Matt. 6:33; 1 Cor. 10:24.
Even S’haul (Paul) defends the “right of ministers and teachers to the financial support of the congregation as well as his right to refuse the pay.” At this point, we do not have the resources to refuse pay. We must pay our bills… May your husband gain a generous and tender heart for those who have gone before him to make the Path straight so he can walk without stumbling.
This is my honest response to someone who condemns us for 'selling' things we make for the Kingdom.
TM is run by the Garvin family and our volunteers. We are a "for profit" corporation and we will never become a "501c3 Non-profit" corporation for many reasons. May YHVH Elohim bless you abundantly for giving generously to us anyway. We seek to make simple, well lit and level paths for Scattered Israel coming out of the nations. Your support and contributions will enable us to continue on, get equipment, meet our goals and improve ministry conditions. Thank you for helping us thrive!
To quickly give a donation to our ministry scan one of the QR codes above.
For more about supporting TM read on...
Teshuvah Ministries, Inc
2900 Government Way, PMB 173
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
I don’t know anyone who works harder than Rebekah. Rebekah is so dedicated, and so tireless. She is usually up around 4 am and works all day, six days a week until around 8pm. That’s around 16 hours a day!! And she has done her thing for all these years no matter how hard it was and has never been paid anywhere near what a designer and producer of her caliber should be paid––if she has been “paid” at all. That is because she is not doing it for the money. She is doing it for YHVH. It is about her heart for Papa Yah and her desire to fill His Feast table and for as many people as possible to make it to the Great Wedding Feast of the Lamb.
If you have a heart for Rebekah and this ministry, if you believe in the work that is being done, if you are in a position to give generous support and are being moved to do so, then please don’t withhold that support because of some issue you might have with me. Time is winding down and this work needs to move forward. People need to hear the Good News and come under the protection of the Covenant before it is too late. They need the support and encouragement to remain strong in the face of what is coming down the pike and what is already testing all of us.
The work Rebekah is doing is eternal. It has made a difference in many people’s lives over the years. People are so relieved to find someone who is speaking the truth plainly, who is genuine, who helps call Israel back to her first love and who calls them up to an obedience that comes from the heart. How valuable is that? Many speakers are teaching about the Feasts, but who else is teaching Israel how to actually DO them? And to keep them with excellence? And doesn’t that work need to continue?
Your generosity makes an eternal difference.
We are so thankful for all who have sown into our ministry over the years! If it wasn't for your financial support and prayers we couldn't have done what we have done up until the present. We pray that YHVH Elohim greatly blesses all our sponsors in ways that only He can! We do this ministry full time and depend solely upon Yehovah and His Wisdom to be our Provision. If the Ruach ha'Kodesh is prompting you – please support us and don't hold back! Thank you!
Teshuvah Ministries PMB 173 2900 Government Way; Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
Please consider supporting this ministry so that we are able to keep this TM Website, the Melchizedek Priesthood website, our Kingdom University and the Ladies of Teshuvah group running. Thank you!