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Open as of 3/23/2023
Ladies of Teshuvah is a private group that meets in the GroupSpot App on your phone. It is a place that Rebekah painstakingly created founded in early 2017. Her group supports women across the globe who are are making teshuvah (repenting / turning 180º to follow YHVH) at all costs.
"YHVH Elohim also said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make for him an ezer (5828) kenegdo (5048).” Gen.2:18
Women, you are an ezer kenegdo by design. This design is an "assignment" written on your very DNA and comes with an inherent power that you will use for good or evil. The ezer kenegdo role is one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Your restored beauty is much needed in YHVH’s effort to win the war raging on the hearts of those around you!
The ezer kenegdo design is an assignment from YHVH that is specific to women. It is crucial to know what that means and then to embrace this unique assignment. A man can not do what she does. He’s not supposed to. He has another role to play. Both must play their respective roles in order to walk in oneness; resist the adversary and in the full power of repentance walk towards the Happily-Ever-After. Israelite women must discover their design, repent and and live it out in a way that pleases the Creator. Men must discover her real value and how crucial she is to his salvation and then turn to live in his role and repent from hating her to protecting, cherishing, guarding and loving her with all his strength.
Rebekah is calling for Scattered Israelite women to repent from using their design for evil’s purposes and return to their Creator and His purposes. Rebekah wants to teach you what the design of ezer kenegdo is and how to operate in it correctly.
Rebekah's private group, "Ladies of Teshuvah" is where you can share your story of repentance and find community with a growing group of Melchizedek-minded women who are learning and living out repentance.
Members are challenged to grow spiritually and live out their beliefs in real life. They give each other encouragement, new-in-quality love and fellowship. As the End of the Age is upon us, this is a really great place to find Truth and support to walk in your design.
Come learn by doing and discover what it means to delight in and use your beauty to captivate your family for the ways and rhythm of YHVH. Rebekah works hard to make sure her group is a safe place for the hearts of YHVH's ladies! Join up!
Biblical design requires that repentance looks different on a man and a women. As former Christians, most of us had no idea what repentance meant until we began to seek the Hebrew roots of our faith. Now we know that "teshuvah" means to turn; to repent or to return. All people are called to repent––but Israel is predestined and chosen to repent, because of their high calling.
It is clear that both man and women must return. But to where do we return? Both genders have not been living in the original design. To perform teshuvah is to return back to YHVH Elohim and His way of doing things on all levels. Yes! Return to the Melchizedek Priesthood understanding. Yes! Return to your First Love! Yes! Return to Covenant Law obedience. But also, return to Yah's perfect will for the male and female design. To operate outside of that design is a death sentence.
Operating in our original design is what has been under attack. Men and women will be repenting in very different ways, because each has a different role to play in the design. Women must repent for following Adam OUT of the Garden and for using their beauty to guide man's eyes toward pagan worship (aka: Christmas, Easter, Sunday worship etc.). And men must repent of hating her, staying silent, not remembering the words of YHVH in order to obey, and not protecting her from the Snake.
A woman plays a crucial role in her family as they walk out repentance in the home. Not only does she have the power to captivate her family, but she has a "captive audience" and her "performance" is the real-life walking out of the covenant in her life and home. A woman's repentance is a big deal, because at the end of the day, it is her beauty that guides the eyes of those she is around. Will she guide them to YHVH or to ha'Satan?
To join Rebekah's Ladies of Teshuvah Group please follow these instructions. In order to keep the group safe, Rebekah is implementing this "vetting" process. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thank-you!
The story of the "rib" false! She followed Adam instead of Yah. This is a truly amazing talk that sets ladies free! Thank you sooooo much for preaching this! I have a Ladies of Teshuvah (Teshuga) ministry (Facebook Group) through which I teach on the Ezer Kenegdo and encourage ladies to walk in their design. You have just opened my eyes up to even more! :-) Toda rabah! Toda rabah! Toda rabah!
Who sinned first? Adam or Chavah? Dr. Skip Moen delivers an explosive teaching on never before heard concepts hidden in plane site amidst the Genesis account. You will glean revelation that will change your perspective on the roles of the man and woman, your life and relationship between spouses will certainly never be the same after applying these truths. Be transformed!
Translators took out the Scriptural signposts that revealed the gender of the Ruach ha'Kodesh. Mankind was made in “Their” image. In one of the ancient manuscripts John 14:26 reveals that Ye'shua referred to the Ruach ha’Kodesh as a “She.” To call Her a male is a CRIME against the Ruach ha’Kodesh. This change by men translators was intended to destroy Her image bearer (aka: women); to keep the ezer kenegdo suppressed and under the control of Adam. Go to the 31:00 timestamp in the video.
YHVH wants to free the ezer kenedgo in you! He needs you to operate in His original design! Rebekah is fishing for women. Women of all ages and situations who are leaving everything behind to turn to follow the Creator at all costs. She is searching for women who want to know what the ezer kenegdo was designed for and how to walk it out to glorify YHVH Elohim. If this describes you, then please join Rebekah's private Ladies group. Someday we will have support for the men...but not yet.
Rebekah and Isaac were on the Wise Guys Show on Hebrew Nation Radio on Feb 24, 2015 during their West Coast tour promoting the idea of a college for our youth. This is the audio recording of her interview with the Wise Guys about Teshuvah College. Rebekah was unable to get the support she needed to start this college in 2015. But the idea has not left her. Presently, the idea has turned into Kingdom University, which is a place to take online courses ...
Rebekah was on the Wise Guys Show on Hebrew Nation Radio on Jan, 31, 2017. This is the audio recording of her interview with them about her Ladies of Teshuvah Workshop and how important the repentance of a woman is!
After Rebekah's first Women's Workshop she was invited back to talk with the Wise Guys on Hebrew Nation Radio to let them know how the workshop went! This is the audio recording of her interview with them. Because of these interviews Ladies of Teshuvah began.
Rebekah was on the Wise Guys Show on Hebrew Nation Radio on Jan, 19, 2019. This is the audio recording of her interview with the Wise Guys about Teshuvah Ministries, her Ladies of Teshuvah online group, the ezer kenegdo design of a woman and what repentance looks like on a woman!
Rebekah's Journal Entry
“Yesterday I had an epiphany. The Ruach ha’Kodesh led me into this. I believe what She showed me will change the focus of our ministry! I feel like I am on holy ground.
As I moved through town yesterday afternoon and saw the shoppers and saw what those shoppers were buying an idea began to hit me like a semi-truck! It is WOMEN that single handedly give power to the Christmas holiday and most of the other holidays! It’s not the men who do the shopping, the baking, the decorating nor the holiday card writing. It’s the women. It’s the mom’s. It’s the wives. Most men wouldn’t do any of those nonsensical things!
Generally speaking, a man wouldn’t decorate the table with branches of ever-green trees. A man wouldn’t buy fancy and expensive paper to wrap presents in. They wouldn’t spend hours in the kitchen making holiday treats to share them with the neighbors. They wouldn’t wear red sweaters with a Santa pin on it. They wouldn’t wear bells from their ears. They wouldn’t go shopping for days and weeks browsing through all the crap, going into debt to find that perfect gift for Aunt Lu who lives in Alabama. They wouldn’t help their kids make Christmas tree ornament crafts. And they sure as hell wouldn’t organize all the holiday decor into boxes and store it for next year unless the wife told them too.
It’s the women who do all that!
Just like the women who led Solomon into pagan worship it’s the women who are leading their families into sin by offering them the pagan holidays! Oy vay! But I can see that there are many women who are leading their families out of apostasy back to the ways of YHVH and his Holy Days! There is something to this.....
I’m realizing today that the role of women in this whole repentance thing is huge! We must address this and teach women what is going on. Once this is addressed then the focus needs to be on how to support women who are moving their families out of sin and offering them a clean walk of repentance.
How do I help them? What do they need?
I have walked this path for 10 years. I do have something to offer the ladies. But how? It would need to be sustainable for me, practical and inspirational for them. It needs to be beautiful, simple and doable. DIY!
Women entice men and the men partake of whatever the women offers him! OMG! Why? What is the power of a woman? It’s like Chavah and Adam! OMG! I’m seeing it right now!
Today I had a strange thought. Perhaps I am too focused on one particular law point –– the Feasts and the Calendar. But then I realized that YHVH’s largest gripe with Israel was her idolatry. You don’t hear him going off on how Israel is murdering too much or coveting too much. He doesn’t go off on every other chapter about how they are not treating their Hebrew slaves like he told them to or that they are stealing too much. The bulk of his gripe, the reason for so many curses and disasters Israel endured was because of her worship of other gods (idolatry)! I thought perhaps I was too focused on one thing, but the Ruach instantly invited me to “see” Chavah with new eyes. And OMG! The woman invited the man into idolatry and he ate!
Chavah’s sin hasn’t changed! Neither has Adam’s. I saw what Adam did, but now I see what she did. I always thought she was basically innocent. A victim of deception. No, she wasn’t. It’s all about who she worships. OMG!”
Some fun facts about Ladies of Teshuvah:
"The more they try to shut Them up [YHVH, Ruach ha'Kodesh and Ye'shua]––the louder I get!" –– Rebekah
Want to know who Rebekah is better? Here's her online Portfolio.
But you can click below to watch our recorded Shabbat Fellowships on Whereby from the past years. All the people in these videos have given permission to be recorded and to be uploaded to this assumed safe place (our website). We are using 3 costly tools (our Website, Whereby and Vimeo) to make these videos available to Ladies far and near. This costs Teshuvah Ministries to make this available to ladies all over the world. Please make a donation here to off set the cost.
Thank you! Please download the Shabbat Rules PDF below.
Below are all the downloadable documents (DOCS) for the Ladies of Teshuvah.
Please pay your membership fee and then mail or email your paperwork to join the Group.
Main Group –– Docs to Download.
These are documents for the Main Group Members.
Pay your Membership Fee ($5/month or $60/year) here.
For Main Page Moderator (MOD) Functions and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) click here.
Teshuvah Ministries PMB 173 2900 Government Way; Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
Please consider supporting this ministry so that we are able to keep this TM Website, the Melchizedek Priesthood website, our Kingdom University and the Ladies of Teshuvah group running. Thank you!