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Our newsletter is focused on keeping the women around the world focused on walking in rhythm with YHVH and His Feasts––a major part of repentance. This walk is hard to do alone. We need each other. My group is here to help women WALK out obedience –– NOT just TALK about it.
My Ladies of Teshuvah Group on the Group Spot App has 50 members as of April 6, 2022. My actual mailing list for my group is 109 women / households and growing. These ladies are a dynamic and active group of women across the world who are embracing teshuvah (repentance) and who are learning to live in their design as ezer kenegdos. They are learning about Ye'shua's Melchizedek Priesthood and how to operate as priestesses unto YHVH. They are also finding long needed safe fellowship within my group. They post constantly throughout the day encouraging each other to stay the course and guard the demands of Yah's Covenant with all their hearts. It truly is a unique group where the Ruach ha'Kodesh moves and works.
But sometimes we need to get off line and have a physical experience.
When I founded this group in 2017 I had a dream of being able to send the ladies a newsletter in the mail. There is nothing like getting something tangible and good in the mail. :-) This past summer I and my MODS (my volunteers) decided to move forward on this dream and produce a monthly high quality newsletter to snail mail to our membership. Our newsletters presently go to women all over the USA, Canada, Australia, Scotland and South Africa.
The process to send this out to the women goes like this: Over the month, one of my volunteers gathers the articles and photos and the new member spotlight. Then I design the newsletter and prep it for press which takes several days. I send the PDF to a MOD. She sends it to press. When it arrives at her home printed then she folds them, stuffs the envelopes, labels them and then puts postage on them to mail out (all using her own money or what other MODS have helped her with).
To print and mail these newsletters each month takes some funds. The MODS are picking up the cost currently, but I would like this to be sustainable for the group. It's a lot to ask of a volunteer to fund this newsletter for their 6 month term. Please rise up and help us afford to continue sending out this newsletter. If I can get an abundance of support then I can make it bigger and add more to it. All sponsors will be added to the mailing list and have their name in the newsletter.
Help us by committing to a monthly donation that will help make our newsletter successful for the next 6 months. Click the link below to help us continue this newsletter.
Matt. 28:20, Matthew Shem Tov Hebrew
Teshuvah Ministries PMB 173 2900 Government Way; Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
Please consider supporting this ministry so that we are able to keep this TM Website, the Melchizedek Priesthood website, our Kingdom University and the Ladies of Teshuvah group running. Thank you!