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Closed. Re-opening 4/25/2023.
The War & Praise Room is a private group that meets in the free and safe
GroupSpot App on your phone. It is made up of members of the Ladies of Teshuvah.
There are 2 MODS allocated to caring for this group.
Closed. Re-opening 4/25/2023.
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Once a member of the Ladies Group please download the 2 PDFS below. Read about the Group and then print out and sign the Privacy Agreement. Arter you mail that to Rebekah search for "The War Room" in the GroupSpot App and request to join. Answer the questions and wait to be approved in.
In our War Room we pray out loud. We call this, "glass tapping." Typing out our prayers or praying out loud is for the understanding and edification of others. We must be in agreement with each other so that we can exclaim, "Ahmein!" The reason I encourage WR members to “glass tap” out their prayers is found in 1 Cor. 14:13-18:
“For this reason (see the verses before) the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful. So what shall I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my understanding; I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding. Otherwise when you are praising YHVH in the Spirit, how can someone else, who is now put in the position of an inquirer, say “Ahmein” to your thanksgiving, since they do not know what you are saying? You are giving thanks well enough, but no one else is edified...”
I think that’s pretty clear.
I know that this is quite a sensitive subject as it gets really personal and it gets painful. But I want to bring your minds back to the reality of the situation and what we can and can not pray for. I do not want this WR to be a free-for-all to just post when anyone in your world is sick. There is a reason for this, please hear me out….
I am asking all of you in my War Room to not use the word “Covid” flippantly.
The word itself conjures up all kinds of things inside each of us. Using it can create a sense of false frenzy and hysteria — especially since there’s a 99. 99% chance that a person of almost any age is not gonna die from it. If you want stats on this I’ve got plenty on our website. No, what people have is probably no more than a regular flu. I don’t know about you, but I have been around for 53 years and I know how winters work. You get sick, it sucks, it’s different each time, you share it with others accidentally and then you get better and now you’re immune to that strain of it. Not every sickness we encounter is Covid. It is a fact that the flu disappeared this year. Why? It’s because everything was deemed Covid. Ugh! Therefore, I am discouraging everyone in my War Room from automatically tagging every sickness as Covid. To do so is to cry wolf and buy into the fear narrative of the world around us — bringing it in here. Plus, it also negates all the rest of illnesses there might be that we deal with for whatever reason… genetics, weather, improper nutrition, bad habits, etc…. And in my opinion, deeming everything as Covid can become an escape goat that people can just chalk everything up to — which takes away all personal responsibility for your health.
We need to understand what we can and cannot pray for.
Please think through this carefully, as the Elohim we serve is not a type of Santa Claus who we make our wishes to — even when it comes to the health of people we love. To use my Prayer War Room as such, waters down the potential power of our collective cry to The Almighty on a sister’s behalf when it really matters —- and it can become a waste of all our time.
Think this through… If somebody is out of covenant, living a life of rebellion and they get sick, can you really pray for them to get better at this distance? No. YHVH is not to be toyed with. Hear me out… Christians pray to “Jesus” like they ask Santa Claus for things. I used to do it. But as set apart people, our prayers should look different after we exit our old Christian life. We are not going to pray like we used to anymore. Taking our lead from the Scriptures we see that most of the time people’s prayers started with repenting for themselves and then repenting for collective Israel before a request was made. Then the request was poised on that being a condition of Him answering favorably. Are we doing that in this War Room? if not, our prayers could be just hitting the ceiling.
As far as praying for healing for just anyone — if the people in rebellion got their health back WITHOUT encountering the ONE who gave it back to them — all they would do after they got better would be to continue to rebel. So, what should you really be asking everyone in the group to pray for? Not for their health…but for them to receive a new and obedient heart. You don’t want your friends and family to just feel better you want them to repent so you can live with them forever right?
I do not want my WR MODS to get worn out by having urgent request after urgent request posted to pray for people’s physical healing who are not in covenant — even if that is your own sons, daughters, relatives or husbands. I want my WR MODS prayer incense to be used to bring before YHVH the need for healing of those within Ladies of Teshuvah and members of their immediate families who are IN-Covenant and who are sick or have other needs. Or to bring to the throne room the NEEDED REPENTANCE AND SALVATION of somebody that you love.
Please take to heart the fact that you cannot undo with a prayer what somebody has already done (such as the ramifications of taking the death jab). That would be taking away their free will. And free will is at the center of Yah’s Kingdom. Why? Because love requires free well. Whether we like it or not…we are in the time of separation. We are in the time of solidification. People all around us and in our families are making their choices to be either part of the wheat or part of the tares. If you have a family member who is clearly not making wise choices and is paying consequence of those choices then ask for those in the War Room to pray for their salvation not for their physical healing.
Please take this guideline into whatever issue you are requesting prayers for. It goes beyond just the topic of illness.
I believe that when my War Room Ladies pray for me I can feel it. And I know that it has helped to have you bring my need before our Father in Heaven. I know you would like to share that kind of experience with others, but if they want to be prayed over by powerful Kingdom warriors, than they can repent, start living righteously and join our group and gain the title of brother and sister in Messiah. Pray for that to happen. That would be a day to rejoice over!
From Melody Meachum,
"The rebellious, uncircumcised heart, the out-of-covenent individuals, often referred to as, the "lost" have but one, single need. One prayer, that's relevant, & that is for thier submission, obedience & repentance to Elohim through Yeshua, His Son. No other need matters, until this prerequisite is met, by THE PERSON being prayed for.
I can sachet through any store & fill my cart with what I want. I can act like it's already mine. But I can't HAVE ANYTHING in my cart until it's PAID FOR. In a spiritual sense, no one is entitled to provision of any kind, from a holy Elohim, unless they have clean hands, & a clean heart, through repentance & obedience. We can't grab a spiritual shopping cart, reach the checkout, & simply say, "this is for ____."
Elohim said no one will even sit as His table without a PROPER GARMENT ON. We can't speak for those that want a pass because they're in a hard spot. We can't say, "it's ok, they're with me." It's not our table, or our venue. There's a price we've all paid to have a seat at the Father's table. I hope I'm making sense.
My single prayer for the uncommitted, uncircumcised, rebellious individual(s) in my own family, is, "Give them an experience, that turns thier heart toward You; cause them to be humbled enough, to choose the path of Life, that Yeshua offers."
The wages of sin is death, but the gift of Elohim is eternal life. No amount of prayer can change this eternal principle.
The WR is a set-apart place for YHVH'S set-apart. Yes, it's divisive, but Truth divides, & the consequences of which side a person finds themselves on, determines their quality of life here, & their eternal destination. Nothing about that, can be changed, it's the Word of Elohim, & He changes, not.
We make our petitions known before the Throne of a Holy Elohim, & respect the immense honor of doing so, by humbling ourselves, covering ourselves in the Atoning blood of Ye'shua. It's the deciding factor as to weather or not we have met the "qualification" to ask for *anything* in prayer.
We ask (pray) as a Son or Daughter of our Heavenly Father, AFTER confession & repentance. Yeshua pays the price of entry (His death, burial & resurrection), but we first must ACCEPT the seriousness of our sin & repent; THEN, we obtain the right to call Elohim, "Father" & make our petitions known."
I want to address something that YHVH addressed in the Scriptures. As we want to make sure our prayers are not being hindered. ❤️❤️ I was listening to 1 Samuel driving into town yesterday morning and realized we can see what YHVH expects from parents.
“And YHVH said to Samuel: “…. I told him [Eli] that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about…. and he failed to restrain them...’” Sam. 3:11-14
I have read this before. But it really struck me today as I was driving and listening to it. I’m pretty sure that most of us can say that we are clean in this area. But I just want to bring it up and give ourselves some time to ponder it, because obviously how we parent is a big deal to YHVH, as seen in the story of Eli and his two sons. This was a family of priests. Eli judged Israel for decades. But he let his children do unholy things and obviously (according to Yehovah) did not discipline or restrain them from doing wicked things. It sounded to me like he did a lot of talk, but not a lot of action with his sons. Perhaps he talked them to death instead of actually just giving them the spanking they needed (“Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them” Prov. 13:24 ). To me that’s kind of how it sounded.
It’s really a sad story, honestly. Instead of doing things through Eli and His sons, YHVH rose up Samuel to hear Him and do things for Him. Because of how Eli parented Yah took the position away from him and his family and gave it to another.
As Royal priestesses for Ye’shua our homes must be clean before YHVH. As the parent we are responsible for our children’s actions while they are with us. We start training them when they are wee babies. We continue to train throughout their entire life. It looks a little different with each stage, but nevertheless — parenting not according to how the world thinks is the right way or how we think we should parent, but according to how HE thinks we should parent. It’s clear in this text and from what happened to both Eli’s sons, as well as himself later that YHVH considers it our job to literally restrain (prevent the continuation of) the sin of our daughters and sons IF we know about their sin. The consequence of the sin that Eli did not restrain his sons from was death for them. As a parent I want my daughters to have life! I don’t want them to die. I want them to obey so they can live. I parent with that in my mind all the time, as I am sure you do too.
Now, I know that perhaps your children are out of the home and the choices they are making are beyond you restraining as they’re adults and will pay their own consequences, but you still influence them with your actions and what you tolerate or not. For others, if your children are still in the home you might feel that you can’t control what they do. But, actually YESSSSS you can. And you MUST. You must teach them the difference between right and wrong at each stage of life, letting them pay the consequences for the training that YOU give to give them. It’s better than watching them pay the consequence that will be given to them from YHVH for unrestrained sin. You must restrain them. Period. (Hint: As we older parents know from experience, it’s easier if you start when they are babies setting boundaries and consequences for actions and teaching them difference between right and wrong. It’s much harder to start this later when they are as big as you are and as stubborn. )
If our homes are not clean and we are not restraining our children from doing evil then how will our prayers be effective? Just something that I want us to think about as we move together forward offering up prayers of incense before the Throne.
The Avinu Prayer in Hebrew (From the book, A Prayer to our Father)
A-vee-noo she-ba-sha-mai-yeem,
yeet-ka-desh sheem-cha.
Ve-yeet-ba-rech mal-cholt-cha.
Re-tson-cha yee-he-ye a-sui ba-sha-mai-yeem u-va-a-rets.
Ve-tee-tayn lach-may-noo te-mee-deet.
Oo-me-chol la-noo cha-to-te-noo ka-a-sher, a-nach-noo mo-cha-leem la-cho-teem la-noo.
Ve-all te-vee-e-noo lee-day need-sa-yon,
ve-shom-re-noo mee-kol-rah. Ahmein
The Avinu Prayer in English (Shem Tov Hebrew Matthew Version)
Our Father in heaven,
May Your name be sanctified.
May Your Kingdom be blessed.
Your will shall be done in heaven and on earth.
Give us our bread continually.
Forgive the debt of our sins as we forgive the debt of those who sin (wrong) against us.
Do not bring us into the hands of a test and
Protect us from all evil / peril.
Rabbi Ye'shua instructed His "Taught Ones" to pray in this manner and then He proceeded to say the prayer of His choosing. Let us use this prayer as a template for our prayers.
Closed. Re-opening 4/25/2023.
Below are all the downloadable documents (DOCS) for the Ladies of Teshuvah
The Royal Priesthood's War and Praise Room (PR) –– Docs to Download
These are documents are for PR MODS and Members.
For War Room (WR) Moderator (MOD) Functions and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) click here.
Teshuvah Ministries PMB 173 2900 Government Way; Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815
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